Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Nice Fantasyland, 1960

I've got two super nice photos for you, from Fantasyland circa 1960.

Let's start with this neat angle looking at the Pirate Ship. Something looks different here, though I'm not sure what, exactly. I enjoy the many guns trained on passing guests! It was to prevent roving bands of cats from boarding the tuna boat. Shiver me timbers!

And here's a nice (and unusual) perspective, taken from on board the Casey Jr. Circus Train. A barred car full of wild animals is directly in front of us. Don't feed them! Note the glimpse of the pirate ship at the top of the photo.


  1. Major-

    Great angles on both of these images; not to mention the swell color.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Admiral Sir Thomas Tabbington of the Royal Feline Navy sha’n’t be deterred by those maggoty four-pounders the Chicken of the Sea Pirates call guns! Not while security guards and food service workers alike still have such things as faces and other soft fleshy bits to claw.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    These have a wonderful "you-are-there" feel, especially the train pic.

    The ship photo is taken from the little circle walk that led up the side and around to the back patio. This used to be a shady and out-of-the-way part of the Park. A good place when hot.


  4. Nanook, I'm glad you liked these!

    Melissa… soft fleshy bits?

    JG, it wouldn't be long until a large, grim stone skull would be looking over everything!
