Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Mark Twain, April 1987

Groups of Disneyland images almost invariably include several photos of the venerable Mark Twain sternwheeler. It was just too eye-catching to ignore. 

The mature trees and shrubs encircling the Rivers of America make these images look a bit different from older pictures. It's pretty, but I wonder if they don't overwhelm the scenery a bit? Hard to say.

I can almost hear the banjo music. Make it stop! (I kid because I love).

It's about to pass that old house "…some folks claim that it's haunted. And they say if ya listen real close, you can hear the ghosts a-moanin' and a-groanin'". (That's from the 1988 Twain spiel).


  1. The Mark Twain may be the swellest iconic attraction at Disneyland. (Is 'swellest' a word-?) And it's so damned photogenic, too - especially the last image, featuring an "action shot".

    Paddle on. Thanks, Major.

  2. Lots of dark color in these images today which works well.

    I like the first image with the lamppost. The dark lamppost and black smokestacks of the Mark Twain make a nice vertical composition. Nice post today. Thanks, Major.

  3. Nanook, I think what you are trying to say is that the Mark Twain has a lot of Swelliosity.

    K. Martinez, I know these aren't he most exciting things in the world, but I appreciate your positive comments!

  4. @Major-

    That sounds as if someone is channeling from a Disney film that, how shall I put this - for a litany of reasons, isn't "one of my favorites". Although, here, it seems just right.

  5. Nanook, I wasn't trying to channel "Fortuosity", (it took me a second to realize what you were referring to), but I can see why it looks that way! I've never seen "The Happiest Millionaire", but by all accounts it is a real dud.

  6. @Major-

    In a contest, 'swelliosity' or 'swellosity' wins any day. Not to mention the fact it reminds me of pipe organs, and their attendant swell shades, swell box, swell pedal, or swell shoe.

  7. Another beautiful day at Disneyland :-)

  8. When the weather’s a dream,
    And your stack’s full of steam,
    That’s swell!
    When your boat’s trimmed with brass,
    And the river’s like glass,
    That’s swellier!
    But when there’s a crowd,
    And there’s nary a cloud in the sky -
    You’ll be having a ball as you lazily trawl. Spring or Fall:
    That’s the swelliest time of all!

  9. @Melissa- That's the ticket-!

  10. Nancy, I am hoping to be able to share some vintage Pittsburgh pictures with you soon!

    Melissa, I am ashamed to say that, if your song refers to a classic pop standard, I don't know what it is. Frowny face.

  11. Nope, that was 100% original. It happens from time to time.

  12. Thanks for posting more great pics of the Mark Twain! I never see that boat that the terrific old theme song from "The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" don't come to mind:
    We got the steam up, you built the dream up;
    Big river's calling you, listen, my friend.
    Follow that river, that mighty river,
    There's real adventure 'round every bend.'

    Hear that whistle blow! See that paddle go! Who know's what we're heading toward?

    That Mississippi, she is a mystery.
    She's just a-waitin' there to be explored.
    Go get your gear, mate. We'll meet you here, mate.
    Old captain's shoutin' "Welcome aboard!"

    I guess to my generation of the Sixties, that show WAS Huck, Tom and Becky Thatcher!

  13. Unknown, I'll have to look on YouTube to see if that theme song is available. I don't remember that show at all, though it sounds right up my alley.

  14. I think it only ran one season (1968?) and featured live action actors playing Huck, Tom, and Becky, superimposed on a cartoon background, with various cartoon villains and locales. None of the three actors were big names, but Richard "Jaws" Kiel supplied the voice of Injun Joe. I believe both the beginning and ending titles, at least, are on You Tube (maybe whole episodes, too). I have the series on a set of "bootleg" DVDs, myself.

  15. Sorry, Injun Joe was played by Ted Cassidy, Lurch of "The Addams Family" (always got he and Richard Kiel mixed up!).
