Monday, January 06, 2014

Omnibus & Dobbin, 1956

Today's photos are on the dark side (because they were contributed by Darth Vader), but they are full of crunchy, vintage goodness.

The shadow from one of the big fluffy clouds has fallen on Town Square, which dials down the happiness just a notch. I like the composition of the Ominbus (it is the omniest bus I ever saw) beside the Horse Drawn Streetcar. Is the difference between a Streetcar and a "trolley" that a trolley has overhead electric lines? If only there was a machine in which one could look up the answers to such questions.

That horse is totes adorbs with its little hat, let's go over and take it's picture. The trusty streetcar driver is making sure all is ship-shape and that there are no troublemaking teenagers (you know how they are, with their pea shooters and their dungarees and chewing gum). I feel safer already!


  1. Major-

    Now you tell me the reason all my hats have fitted so poorly was due to their lacking 'ear holes'. I can't wait until later so I can try out my new, 'fashion-fitting' hats. That'll stop all the other kids from teasing me-!

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Compare this bus to photos taken in the late 80's. The original busses went to World Showcase in FL, and when all new busses were built (for both WDW and DL), they were noticeably bigger

  3. Chuck9:33 AM

    ...and now I'll have John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band as my mental soundtrack for the rest of the day.

    Ah, could be worse...

  4. Nanook, I know how you feel, I have to have "tail holes" put into all of my pants.

    Anonymous, supposedly the old Omnibuses that went to Florida did not respond well to the high humidity and basically rotted out - not sure if that's true or not.

    Chuck, I'm afraid I don't get the John Cafferty reference. Did he sing about Omnibuses??

  5. The second image reminds me of the "Johnny Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet" segment from Disney's animated anthology "Make Mine Music". Such a cool Easter like pic.

  6. It was one of his lesser-known B-sides.

    I was actually alerting on the phrase "on the dark side." Sorry - it's how my mind works.

  7. Well, Major - As my high school biology teacher was so fond of saying... "Anything that comes out of your rear end is a tail."

  8. Whenever I see a had with a "D" on it, all I can think is that they've made that poor horsey wear a dunce cap.

    The original signage may explain why the Omnibus was more popular than the streetcar.

  9. "Hat," not "had."
