Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy 2014!

Welcome to 2014! 

Since I don't have anything to share relating to New Year's Day, I am just presenting some very nice Instamatics.

Like this one; this must be from around 1967, since the House of the Future can still be seen to our left (its days were numbered). I sure love vintage shots of the Peoplemover, when it looked so bright, shiny and new; at the time I never thought I would miss it the way I do. PS, polka dots! 

Here's a neat view of a busy Town Square. Even the streetcar is a hot ticket! I don't really like being at the park when it's crowded, but photos of a bustling Main Street are always fun. This is one of those times where I love the look of the leafy green trees, and yet they do block our view; you'd hardly know that there is a fairy tale castle at the end of the street.

I suppose I should have posted this one at least a week ago, since the Matterhorn is adorned with its giant Christmas star. The few guests that we can see are bundled up, so it must have been somewhat chilly. Still, they have a full day at Disneyland ahead of them - just think of all the cool extinct attractions they will be able to experience!

I would like to wish all of you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.


  1. Polka dots, the Peoplemover, the Christmas Star, a touch of the House of the Future AND 2014. It's all a bit too much.

    Thanks, Major. Happy New Year one and all.

  2. That polka dot outfit sort of reminds me of vintage furnace/heater air filters.

    Awesome PeopleMover shot, but the open view of the Matterhorn with Christmas star is my favorite today. The lamppost adds a nice touch to it. Thanks.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Great shot of the new Peoplemover. Bright, shiny and quite empty.

    It looks like the tree trimmers took most of 67' off.

    Happy New Year to all of the GDB faithful.

  4. My family went to Disneyland a few days ago on December 27th. At 11:00 am, the line for POC began between Haunted Mansion and Splash Mountain. The line for HM utilized that entire area to the left of HM where the fountain is located. Disneyland was at capacity by 11 am because one of the cast members told me they just closed the park and were not allowing anymore people into the gates. The place was wall to wall people.

    As a result, we were only able to ride a total of 9 attractions for the entire day and we stayed until 11:15 pm just short of closing time.

  5. Now having written my experiences from Dec 27th, that picture of the Matterhorn at Xmas time would have been just fantastic if it was today in terms of the number of people visiting Disneyland. Wow what a difference.

    The picture of Main Street which seems crowded and I suppose it was for 1967, but that would be a rather empty in comparison to today.

    Have a good year everyone.

  6. Nanook, I have to admit that this is a better selection of photos than one might normally see on GDB! I figured I might as well try to do a bit more for this special day. The Peoplemover pic is my favorite!

    K. Martinez, haha, I would have never made the heater filter connection, but now I'll never get it out of my head.

    Alonzo, yep, that's a nice one. Have a happy 2014!

    OC Native, oof, that sounds kind of awful - though I bet you had an OK time anyway! I once went in August (back when the Rocket Rods were breaking down all the time), I think we only did 6 attractions the whole day. And it was HOT. And I think they should bring back an updated Matterhorn star, with energy efficient LEDs. Unless the locals would complain?

  7. Happy New Year, everyone! Lets make 2014 the best year yet!

    A great way to start is with that stunning view of Tomorrowland....I am so loving the red Peoplemover, and I have always found those walls there covered in the metallic looking mosaic pattern very cool. Cant say enough good things about that one.

  8. SundayNight3:12 PM

    Happy New Year all!
    Love pics of DL with just a handful of people. Those were the days!

    Thanks for another year for great pictures Major.

  9. Here's to better days and big, ripe bananas for all!

    Such a neat angle on the shiny red Peoplemover! And the Matterhorn star is KIND of like the Times Square New Year's ball.

  10. Wonderful pictures indeed. A good way to start the year.

    In the last pic, with the Matterhorn Star, notice the two kids legging it hard toward the Matterhorn, racing to get in line for the Bobsleds. Aah, memories.

