Sunday, January 19, 2014

Frontierland, August 1963

This first photo of the Columbia is a beauty; the sun is sinking fast, but its warm light  still touches the taller masts and sails, and gleams off of the mine train cars. All else is tinted with blues and violets. 

Earlier in the day, the Mark Twain looked great, as usual. There's just something about that boat on that big river!


  1. The Columbia shot is great. I like the hidden Mine Train on the river's edge. It reminds me of how Big Thunder Mountain Railroad in WDW's Magic Kingdom rolls along the edge of Rivers of America there.

  2. Beautiful set....the Columbia is just gorgeous on this view :)

  3. K. Martinez, as Columbia photos go, it's a good one! I agree, the Mine Train is a fun detail. I think that Big Thunder actually goes under the river in Disneyland Paris!

    Nancy, thanks!

  4. That's a great shot of the Columbia. The Mark Twain is great, but I had more enjoyment riding the Columbia in a gorgeous 70-degree May day in 2012. It's still great!

  5. Dan, it IS a great attraction; I didn't ride it until rather recently, since it seemed that the Mark Twain was always running and the Columbia was down for rehab. But I was very happy to finally experience it!
