Monday, September 30, 2013

Fantasyland, 1956

Today I am sharing the first of about 20 vintage glass slides featuring Disneyland circa 1956. They have all turned pink to some degree, so I had to do a bit of restoration in an attempt to bring them back to life.

First up is this nice child's-eye view of Sleeping Beauty Castle; considering how colorful the castle has become, it might be surprising to see it looking like it was made from granite and slate instead of candy. The people add great 50's quality to the scene.

Even with the Teacups at a standstill, the photographer couldn't manage a clear shot! I've always been fond of those loopy decorations on some of the cups.


  1. Major-

    Childs-eye view, indeed. (Of course, I was thinking of the more politically incorrect: 'ass view'). That's just how my brain works. Either way - what a swell way to begin the week.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Pegleg Pete6:06 AM

    The teacup image is flipped isn't it? Or is this a sly reference to 'through the looking glass'?

  3. You did a fantastic job restoring the glass slides. What beautiful colors.

    The flipped teacup image is definitely an "Alice through the Looking Glass" experience. Let's escape through the TIX3.

    Looking forward to more of these slides. Thanks, Major.

  4. Nanook, you must have been one table over from the Algonquin round table!

    Pegleg Pete, ha ha, yes, the backwards "Exit" sign should have tipped me off, if nothing else did!

    K. Martinez, these turned out OK.. sometimes there's just no color information left and they turn all kinds of weird shades. What is the TIX3?

  5. Major - TIX3 is EXIT in the mirror (looking glass). It was a clue that the images was flipped.

  6. The Disney parks have all turned pink to some degree over the years, so I guess it's only fitting that the slides have, too.

  7. Major-

    Yes, I was actually sitting at the "children's table" in the Algonquin. Just close enough to have some of their brilliance rub off on me.

  8. K. Martinez, ah, there it was right in front of me!

    Melissa, pink, purple and blue have become overused these days - they're not even subtle, but "out of the tube" colors.

    Nanook, just as long as you didn't try to keep up with their drinking.
