Monday, January 07, 2013

Tomorrowland, September 1959

I always love a good picture of the earliest versions of the Monorail, when it was only 3 cars long. It looks sort of stubby, and more than a little bit like the famous (and expensive) Schuco toys that were sold at the parks and other stores. On a side note, I accidentally gave the files names an August 1963 date, which is stupid because the Monorail was lengthened to 4 cars in 1961. So there.

More lagoon action, with the Monorail/Sub station and the Skyway buckets. If you look carefully you can see a single tiny American flag to the far right, likely left over from the dedication of the Monorail, Subs, and Matterhorn.


  1. More wowie-zowie early shots of the Subs and the Monorail (and Skyway). Nice.

  2. The Mark I monorails always looked a bit odd to me. My favorite version is the Mark III.

    I like how you can clearly see the Fantasyland Autopia bridge that divides the Motor Boat Cruise waterway and Submarine Lagoon. Can't get that view today as it's half covered by newer rockwork created for Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage and the overgrown vegetation. I miss these open vistas.

  3. Look how blue that water is!

  4. OMG you could hang out the window of the Monorail?!?

  5. Nanook, thanks! Glad you like these.

    K. Martinez, I know what you mean, but there is something lovable about the stubby li'l 3-car Mark I. Once the Monorail was elongated, it definitely became sleeker and cooler.

    Debbie V., not only is it blue, but Tyd-D-Bol also keeps the lagoon April fresh!

    Melissa, I remember when I first saw photos of the Mark I, with people's arms sticking out of the windows…. did the Monorail stop running when it rains?

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Major, I remember that the only time I ever visited Disneyland when it rained, (had to be late Fall 1968), the monorail was shut down and we couldn't ride. The skyway also I believe. I don't recall other closures, but the monorail stood out because my grandfather wanted to ride and it was his first trip. Turned out to be his only trip. Of course, we didnt know that at the time :-(

    The car windows were partly open, with a mid-rail, I think. I dont know what "Mark" those were.


  7. Three fences sighting, center left of 1st pic! Ok, it was only one fence then....

    Awesome post Major, thanks!
