Friday, December 28, 2012

WDW Main Street, December 1971

Christmas is over, but you'd never know if from this first picture from Orlando, Florida. Main Street USA at the Magic Kingdom is decked out with wreaths and garlands for its first Christmas ever, and by golly it looks swell. In fact those decorations remind me of the kind that you might have seen on various streets (like Hollywood Boulevard) in ye olden days.

This one puzzled me, and still does, really! I looked and looked to figure out what this building was, and found that it is apparently called "Exposition Hall". I think it's where people go to expose themselves. To knowledge - jeez, what did you think I meant? Somehow I hear "Exposition Hall" and I imagine dinosaur skeletons on display (an Apatosaurus here, a Triceratops there....), but I have no idea what goes on inside. Maybe you can learn about quality Amway products, or zinc oxide.

Nearby, the Christmas tree stands near the flagpole. They make a great team, like Mutt and Jeff (who here knows who "Mutt and Jeff" are?!), and everyone is so excited to see them together. It's better than a Space Shuttle launch, I tell ya whut.

Main Street at Disneyland is charming; Main Street at Walt Disney World is dazzling!


  1. Exposition Hall originally housed a camera center, small movie theatre and a mini-museum. Presently it is the new home created for "meet and greet's" for Mickey, Minnie and - oh, yes: The Disney Princesses-! (But of course).

    Wow-! What a sight Main Street appears in these images, with so... much... elbow... room. Ahhh, for the days of "light crowds".

    Now - about those horizontal stripes. Ya see, Mom was right-!

  2. I remember seeing "The Walt Disney Story" (pre-show display and film) at the Exposition Hall back in the late 70s. A part of the Main Street Station structure appears on the right side of same image.

    I look forward to more of your Walt Disney World images.

  3. We're home, Toto, and this is my room! I always love your pics of WDW. Even tho I have hundreds of my own, it is always fun to see them here. It is sorta like seeing a film shot in your town, it makes you feel proud that the world is seeing your city (in my case, Pittsburgh!).

    We often start our day with a visit to the Princesses there on Main Street.

    I am also looking forward to seeing more of my home away from home. :-)

  4. I remember there used to be a camera shop in the Exposition Hall, but I can't recall if they developed pictures on the premises. 'Cause then, they'd be exposing your film.

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    OK, put me down as a "Mutt & Jeff" recognizer.

    I remember when they were in the funny papers.

    Thanks Major.


  6. "What a sight Main Street appears in these images, with so... much... elbow... room."

    I know what you mean, Nanook! Main St. can be a real bottleneck these days, even when the crowds in the rest of the Magic Kingdom are relatively light.

  7. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Love the fluffy cloud floating over the castle spires in pic #1!

    Also noting among the Apatosaurus and Triceratops at WDW is the less-rare Stripeoactylus - on display in the open expanse of Main Street and it's sidewalks. Note the rare sighting of the striped male on the far right who is looking taller with vertical markings on his pants and shirt.

    Bill in Denver - never afraid to show his stripes.

  8. Nanook, do you have any idea what was on display in the Exposition Hall mini-museum? As for horizontal stripes…. yikes!

    K. Martinez, I never knew that the Walt Disney Story was ever seen at WDW. And stay tuned, I have a great batch of about 40 images from the Magic Kingdom's first Thanksgiving season.

    Nancy, if you have any especially nice WDW photos, you should scan them… I'll share some here if you want!

    Melissa… D'OH!

    JG, I am a fan of old comic strips. Good old Mutt and Jeff!

    Melissa again, it is hard to believe that WDW looks so empty, having only been open for a few weeks.

    Bill, it seems that Florida often has the best fluffy clouds. And I think that guy in the stripes just escaped from prison.

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  10. Happy New Year Major. All the best, Richard.

  11. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Being a Disneyland fan, seeing those WDW pics give me a weird feeling, like a dream where I was at Disneyland but it’s not really Disneyland ‘cause some things are just slightly different.

  12. I've never seen the name "Exhibition Hall" used for that building. When WDW opened it was the "Gulf Hospitality House", which lasted for several years. It did indeed house "The Walt Disney Story."
