Sunday, December 30, 2012

HoJo's, October 1972

Well homies, today's photos are related to Disneyland, but just barely!

If you happened to be riding the Skyway anytime after the late 1960's and you looked eastward, you couldn't help noticing the distinctive Howard Johnson's Hotel looming just outside of Tomorrowland. Here it is in 1971:

The next two pictures are from '72. Nixon's through in '72! (Only he wasn't. Also, Archie Bunker ran for President, I have the pinback button to prove it). HoJo's thoughtfully provided an adorable and completely edible li'l trolley to shuttle guests to the park and back. Who needs Disneyland when you can ride that bitchin' trolley 150 times a day?

Say, how much for one-a them top rooms? I'll bet you gat a swell view of the fireworks at night! And the kids can drop water balloons on all incoming guests, which is always HI-larious. I'm sure that the top rooms are the most affordable, because of bats and manticores.


  1. According to the hotel web site, it's still owned and operated by the same family who built it back in 1965. And it was designed by William Pereira, who with his (then) partner, Charles Luckman, also designed the original Disneyland Hotel.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    That first picture is awesome! Peoplemovers, escalators, submarines, Monorail - and lots of guests!

    But what's a manticore????

    Bill in Denver

  3. Nanook, I can almost see the cocktail napkin sketch that would become the Anaheim HoJo's! Thanks for the info.

    Bill, a manticore is very similar to a sphinx. I guess you don't have them in Denver due to the elevation!

  4. Who needs a trolley when you can walk right up to the entrance! That's the first thing that struck me about Disneyland after seeing WDW as a kid.

    Our local HoJo's went out of business about a decade ago, and the distinctive orange-and-turqoise-roofed building sat empty for a few years before it was torn down. I miss it.

  5. I stayed at Howard Johnson's one time the summer of '86 when the Magic Eye Theater (Captain EO) was under construction. Also ate at the restaurant there. It was okay. It was just a place to sleep to me. I spent all my time at the Park anyway.

    Nanook, Nice info about the design. Thanks!

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Seeing that crystal clear water reminded me of an article some years ago in the E-Ticket magazine (sure miss it) on Disneyland waterways, and how they keep the clear versus non-clear water separate.

  7. excellent set of pictures today!

    I have always like the mod design of this hotel. and then you show us Monorail Yellow in the station... extra happiness coming my way!

    nice way to start the week, Major!

  8. Anonymous9:43 AM

    @Nanook, thanks for the detail on the architects. I have loved this building, good to know the designers.

    Unrelated design: William Pereira was also responsible for the Transmerica Pyramid in SF, reviled in the press as "Pereira's Prick" and now recognized globally as a symbol of San Francisco.

    We stayed at this HoJo's once. I remember having a great view of the Park and fireworks. I don't know why we never returned, but always seemed to pick other places. I liked it as a kid, the pool was great.

    I always like to see the distinctive roofline in the background of the Tomorrowland pics.


  9. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The Pinto, the Fiat 850. Cars of my era when working at the park. I can feel the sunshine and smell the smog. It was cool how HoJo's design fit nicely in the Tomorrowland background. I could just step into the pictures and be right at home.

  10. Howdy Major! Awesome post. Thanks for putting up those vintage pics. It's true, we opened in 1965 and the same family owns/runs the hotel to this very day. It was indeed designed by William Pereira who also designed the Disneyland Hotel, the dome at LAX, TransAmerica building in SF, UCI campus, among 100's of others. We are one of only two or three Disneyland neighbor hotels that still exists in their original state and we are very proud of that. Our tag line is RETRO FAMILY FUN. In two years we turn 50 and will become an historic landmark in the city of Anaheim. We renovate often, but always maintain the old post-Googie architecture. For as old as we are, we are a top 5 Anaheim hotel on TripAdvisor and have the only themed water park outside of the Disney properties, and our views are AMAZING. We even have the "Mattercam", a live webcam from our tower showing scenes at both parks, including the fireworks - it's on our website. All in all it's a cool little hotel that is a great throwback to the good ol' days. Thanks again!
