Monday, December 10, 2012

Disneyland Hotel, 1966

Here's a wonderful photo taken over at the Disneyland Hotel; you can see the tail-end of the blue Monorail parked at the hotel station, which also happened to be the location of a bunch of conveniently-located travel agencies - all of the major airlines wanted to be involved with Disneyland. Meanwhile, some people need a grown-up break from the park during their multi-day visits, and the Monorail Room is a nice place to relax with a martini or three.

The color is a little funky on this one, but otherwise it is a great look at the spacious pool area circa 1966. Lifeguard on duty! Imagine getting to stay at the hotel for three days or so, giving you the option to leave the park at its hottest or most crowded for a dip in the pool or maybe a nap; then you can hop on the Monorial to enjoy the rest of your evening, refreshed and ready for fun!


  1. As soon as they invent that time-machine device, I'm there...1966 poolside!

  2. When I was a kid, I could hardly wait until I was old enough to ride the Monorail over there to have a drink....and do you think I ever did it? No! What a bonehead!

  3. Connie - when our family moved from CA to IN in 2005 - we decided to splurge and get a room at the Disneyland Hotel. We thought the Monorail would still be there. Imagine our disappointment. kids when we rode into the DH on the Monorail - we dreamed of the day we would get off that Monorail, eat or drink at the DH and so coolly get back on the Monorail and ride into Disneyland. Ahh. live for today !

  4. That first picture is wonderful beyond words. This is one of those that I'd like to step into, even if just for a day - after 5:00 so I could have one of those Monorail Martinis.

  5. These photos bring back a lot of memories. I remember staying at the Disneyland Hotel with my family a few times in the 60s and 70s. I always preferred to enter the park via monorail back then. Traveling from the real world to the shiny new Tomorrowland in an instant was a total rush!

    I remember having breakfast at the Coffee Shop and dining at several of the hotel's other restaurants with the family. By the time I was old enough to drink I no longer lodged at the Disneyland Hotel. Going to the Monorail Bar wasn't meant to be I guess.

  6. Mark R10:17 AM

    Love the pics. My grandparents went there for a week every year after grandmas heart attack. We kids spent one day of thatvacation with them (we lived in Whittier) . My grandfather and I rode the front seat back in 68 (I was 7). I still remember it well.

  7. Entering Disneyland via the Monorail was definitely the 'cool way' to arrive inside the park - especially for us "locals".

    As a kid, I too marveled at all the folks who chose to while away the hours at the bar in the Monorail Room, while just steps away they could be swept into a totally different and wonderful world. Just what were they thinking-? Okay, I get it now. But still-??!!

  8. Snow White Archive, speaking of poolside, you can't see her very well, but there appears to be a fabulous babe right next to that pink wall. I'll go strike up a conversation with her!

    Connie and Debbie V., you sound like me! "I thought I would do such-and-such, but never did".

    Tom, it's funny, the hotel isn't exactly beautiful, and yet it is full of mid-century awesomeness.

    K. Martinez, at least you have some fond memories of staying at the hotel, I never stayed there.

    Mark R., riding in the front of the Monorail with your grandpa, what a great memory! My grandpa would always go on any roller coaster with me.

  9. Nanook, I am still not sure I "get it", since anyone could go to a bar - even a classy bar - any night of the week. But Disneyland? Come on!

  10. Seeing those steps in the first picture sure brings back some fond memories!

    I clearly remember running up there to catch the next monorail, and typically having to hold up and wait for my parents, unless my brother and I were 'turned loose' for the evening session which was usually the case. Dad and Mom liked to relax away the evenings at the Hotel, and spent some time in the Monorail Room to be sure!

    We stayed at the Hotel every summer from 1973 to 1983, what fun times those were...
