Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Davy's Arcade and Pendleton Mills, July 17 1968

From July 17 1968 comes this pair of stereo views of Frontierland. No wiggle-vision this time, but stay tuned for those! 

"Slurry" is the word that comes to mind... the smooth, color-infused concrete used to pave the various lands. I'm not sure when they switched from ordinary blacktop (or whatever), but the reddish color is particularly noticeable here in these morning photos. Hey, there's Davy Crockett's Frontier Arcade!

Right next door to the Arcade is the Pendleton Woolen Mills store. In July I probably wouldn't be too interested in wool goods, but once things start to get chilly, I'd be interested in a nice warm woolen coat, or maybe a colorful blanket (so that I can get rid of that embarrassing Snuggie). Or even some of those old-fashioned wool "long johns" that prospectors were so fond of, in spite of their itchy factor of 12.


  1. One of my favorite stores in the entire park....Pendleton Woolen Mills. I still treasure that 'letterhead'! :)

  2. I love the brown-tan concrete in these images.

    The Davy Crockett Arcade and Pendleton Woolen Mills were Frontierland musts for me. I had about 3 or 4 Pendleton shirts that I wore to death around the late 70s. I still miss the Pendleton store to this day.

  3. Great views here, especially of the Frontier Arcade: I think I've only seen one photo of the interior in some old magazine.

    Quality as always, Major.

  4. There were taken on July 17th? Where are all the people???

  5. I miss Pendleton too. I was hoping for a picture of the interior... Oh well. :-/

  6. Thufer, I should have purchased a piece of that letterhead from Matterhorn1959 when I had the chance!

    K. Martinez, I think (?) you can still buy Pendleton, just not at Disneyland. I wonder if the stuff is still good quality.

    Lillian K., I don't know if I have EVER seen an interior shot!

    Connie, it looks like these were taken first thing in the morning, but even so, you would expect some crowds on Disneyland's birthday!

  7. Katella, I only *wish* I had an interior shot...

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM

    @K Martinez & Major.

    I also had several Pendleton shirts in the '70's. Wornout and outgrown. There is a Pendleton store near my home. They still sell the heavy wool, and also cotton and "Viyella" type blends. Still expen$ive. I wore a summer one to work yesterday.

    The store sells the blankets too. In fact, it's a lot like the Disneyland store used to be, but without the "western" trappings. This one is just another clothes store, no particular theme.


  9. Douglas McEwan2:18 PM

    Back in 1961, when I was in 5th grade, everyone wore Pendleton shirts. They were it! Naturally, I wanted one. I was told I could have one for my birthday. (11) Since we were going to Disneyland the day after my birthday (as it was always a school holiday, Memorial Day was always May 30 back then), I got to pick out my own Pendleton and buy it here at the Frontierland Pendleton store. I wore that shirt until it just didn't fit me anymore. (Fortunately, I had had a growth spurt just before buying it rather than just after, or it would have lasted me about three months tops.) That I'd gotten it at Disneyland only made it more special.

  10. That's the color I remember the ground being when I think of the park, it must have been that way a long time.
