Tuesday, April 10, 2012

SubbaBubba, June 1968

The old Submarine Voyage; gone but not forgotten! And this view, from June 1968 has the added bonus of showing the Carousel of Progress, which never fails to please me. Even the rectangular Skyway buckets are great.

The Nautilus passes through a waterfall into the dark ride portion of the sub attraction. It's so cool that there is a big "show building" that is completely covered in landscaping so that you don't even know it's there unless you really look for it.


  1. Interesting....it's the 1967 Tomorrowland, but it's the old Monorail Station. Does anyone know how long after the New Tomorrowland was finish that the Monorail got it's new station? Also, there appears to be an attraction poster for Nature's Wonderland Mine Train and the Mark Twain(?) hanging right above the Sub that is loading over at the dock. I don't remember seeing attraction posters in that spot before!

  2. SubbaBubba?

    *blowing bubbles*

    Well look, it's Triton. And a very big crowd. They did an amazing job stashing the show building and with all the tracks winding around, over and under each other.

    *blowing bubbles*

  3. Beautiful...a yellow Skyway bucket just for moi (its the "color" of sunshine, after all ;--). I also see another of my favorite things there in the background, the Tomorrowland Terrace Stage! I wonder who's playing today?

  4. Tomorrow as it should have been. Two very good pictures of the 'grays', the lagoon area and the excitement that is provided by simply looking around. What a special place 'tomorrow' was!

  5. K. Martinez8:34 AM

    TokyoMagic!, I'm far from an archive expert, but from a 1969 image I have of a submarine rehab, the monorail/sub building appears to be under a re-model with the new awning/roofline already installed. Any photo I have from 1970 onward it's the newer station. So from looking at various images, that's my best guess.

  6. Douglas McEwan2:24 PM

    The Rainbow Caverns show building was also well concealed.

  7. It is too bad that Disney did not buy the land across the street from Disneyland on Harbor Blvd. They could have had the loading and lagoon area for the submarines where the show building is located now.

    Had the submarines go along a watery channel under Harbor Blvd (Heck, Knotts has a tunnel under Beach Blvd) and enter the show building that would be built across the street on Harbor Blvd. This would have freed up the area that is now the lagoon for another ride right next to the Matterhorn Bobsleds.

    You have to think outside the box.

    Of course there wouldn't have been the Howard Johnson hotel or whatever hotel is across from Tomorrowland.
