Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chow Time, May 1963

After hours of walking to your favorite Disneyland attractions, and standing in lots of lines in the Anaheim sunshine, it's nice to take a break and grab a meal. If you're in Tomorrowland, you can grab a burger at the Yacht Bar Space Bar... it's not luxurious, but there is plenty of semi-shady seating. Most of you will recall this cute couple from an earlier post!

You can relive your youth by sitting at one of those tiny school desks, complete with a hole for your inkwell - I mean Coca Cola. Notice the Douglas rocket in the background!


  1. K. Martinez12:56 AM

    Good Morning Major, I think this is the Space Bar and not the Yacht Bar. Check out the McDonnell Douglas Rocket and show building behind the seating area.

  2. Is that Lady Gaga in the background and on the left in the first pic? I believe it is.

    (K. Martinez, thanks for answering my question about the Monorail station in Major P's post from Tuesday!)

  3. Definitely Space Bar.

    How did they know then that we would be regressing in the future? They removed the school chairs too soon. ;) Seriously, that was an example of something due an upgrade. But I like the idea of a Space Bar and it'd be cool to see such a thing done in a graceful mid-century-modern Space Age design that they couldn't swing when the park was starting. Preferably right near the port from which you could take a Mission to (neat space destination). :)

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    The big question is, who's taking these pics?

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    First he took her to the house of the Future, then Cokes and fries in Tomorrowland. Add the straw hat to his formula - the man's got game.

    Bill in Denver

  6. I remember the 'orange' period!

  7. Ken and Skipper!

    The little girl in the white dress and hair ribbons is such a little doll.

  8. Ha! Just noticed the little boy on the left trying SO HARD to pretend his Mom's not there, but she just won't leave him alone! Jeez, Mom! I bet Alan Shepard's Mom lets him put as much space ketchup as he wants on his space fries!

  9. Anonymous8:10 PM

    could you imagine todays, modern era Disney fans trying to fit in those seats!

  10. It was nice that Audrey Hepburn and Bing Crosby could spend time together.

  11. K. Martinez, duly noted and corrected!!

    TokyoMagic!, since Lady Gaga is an alien, I believe that it really IS her in the photo.

    Chiana, yes, you are right, I am wrong. I hope you're happy! (tears of shame)

    thepicklebarrel, thanks!

    Anon, these photos were taken by Elvis.

    Bill, I have to agree, the guy's hat is pretty awesome!

    Thufer, I still have a place in my heart for all things that are orange.

    Melissa, ha ha! That name "Skipper", there's just something about it. So 60's. Also, I think that little boy is trying to ignore his grandma rather than his mom.

    Anon, I am sure that those seats just wouldn't do it for many of today's guests, unfortunately…

    David, ha ha! Der Bingle, especially. All he needs is a pipe.

  12. Completely mundane pictures, yet so much fun. I hope people in the future have as much fun with our pictures of one another eating.

    So great. Thank you Major!


  13. Oh my gosh, what fun! The things people I have to go back for a second look. And I agree with JG!

  14. Those paper cups rock! And that white purse! Someone in my family had one; I can't remember if it was my mom or my oldest sister!

  15. Killer shots of the Space Bar. Love the hats!

  16. love this!! the more "mod" the better!!

  17. In these pictures, she looks a bit more like Midge than Skipper.
