Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New York World's Fair, 1964

Ford's "Magic Skyway" and GM's "Futurama" got a lot of press, but Chrysler had a pretty awesome series of exhibit's at the World's Fair too. One of the stranger offerings was the Autofare "Zoo", which featured fanciful sculptures of animals, entirely made from car parts. There was a porcupine (I see him in the background!), a frog, a mantis, and whatever the hell these two things are supposed to be. Caterpiggles?

Here's a great shot of Avis' "Antique Car Ride". Did Arrow Development have anything to do with this attraction? This must have been an "off the shelf" ride (don't get me wrong, I'm sure it was still fun). Wouldn't it have been cooler if the cars were all futuristic atomic cars? The Ford pavilion is in the background.

There's the familar Moon Dome, part of the Travel and Transportation pavilion (I call it the T&T pavilion, please don't go to the T&A pavilion by accident). Among the features seen here was a film sponsored by United Airlines about the miracle of jet travel; a flying saucer show (complete with a visit by martians!); "Around the World With The Navy" (another movie); and the attraction that you would see within the Moon Dome, "Beyond The Moon", which explored man's environment from the nucleus of an atom to outer space. Sounds very "Disney"!

First of all, I labeled this image "Timex", for reasons not clear to me. It was right after I bumped my head. This giant clock is not quite as cool as the Clock of the World at Disneyland, but it told you the time, and (judging by the number "10") also served as a landmark on maps (please correct me if I'm wrong!).

As always, stay tuned for more New York World's Fair images!


  1. such COOL shot today!!! more and more i realize that i really need to get started on that time machine....

    i especially love the super close-up of my coveted street lamp (i know its a sin to covet, but i do it anyway!) that last picture is simply primo in my book

    more of those lovelies in the Moon Dome photo as well. wonder what that is about SEA HUNT there on the side of the building...i so loved that show growing up!

    excellent set today, David...thanks!!!! ;-)

  2. I guess we're both in a New York state of mind today Major. Fantastic pics. The ZOO is awesome!

  3. Chuck7:10 AM

    Aaaagh! TRANSFORMERS! Run for the hills!

  4. The "Timex" clock was actually part of a network of clocks all tied in to a master clock at the Switzerland pavilion. My uncle, who worked for New York Telephone, was in charge of the crew who wired the system together. As you guessed, the number on top was intended to let people find their way through the massive site. However, I don't think most maps had the numbers listed on them, so that idead didn't work out particularly well.

    This one, by the way, would have been near the GM pavilion where the Avenue of the United Nations South crossed the Grand Central Parkway.

  5. Nancy, I covet those street lamps too, so I guess we're both in hot water!

    Viewliner, I'm heading right over to your blog right now!

    Chuck, ha ha!

    Bill, thank you for the info about the clock(s). My three minutes of research didn't yield much info, so I appreciate your expertise.

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Great slides!
    Does anyone know what the row of "cones" are that appear to line the edge of the pond (with the car display) in the Moon Dome photo? Seats? Light fixtures? Maybe there's something large to the photo right that needs illuminating?

    Bill in Denver

  7. Randy9:56 AM

    Those aren't cones, they're chairs.
    I remember sitting in one to eat lunch which my dad bought at the Brass Rail near that dome, and wondered how strong the water jets must be to float those cars on top of the foam! (at age 8, the display was quite effective in fooling me)
    Today, I'm lucky enough to have acquired one of those Chrysler chairs that ringed the pool.

  8. Randy9:59 AM

    Nancy, the Sea Hunt exhibit in the Transportation & Travel Pavilion was a tie-in to the TV show that you loved. Lloyd Bridges (star of the TV show) appeared riding in a convertible in the re-opening day parade in 1965, sitting next to a silly-looking sea monster!
    (There was a car or float in the parade for most of the pavilions or exhibits).

  9. I also wondered about those blue things but thought they looked to low to the ground to be a chair, except maybe for little kids.

  10. Haha T&A pavilion... thanks for the warning! :)
    Always a fan of shots from this World's Fair! Beautiful.

  11. I wonder how many parents dropped their kids off at the Travel & Transportation Pavilion and went had a few cocktails? Pure genius of the 1960's to put a bar close enough to avoid all that educational stuff.

  12. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Once again, great Worlds Fair pictures. thanks. Dennis-levittown NY

  13. Anonymous11:14 PM

    There was a Sea Hunt show consisting of a diver portraying Mike Nelson in a big tank accosted by the silly looking sea monster while a recorded narration played in the theater. The voice was probably Bridges. I waved at the diver between shows and he waved back.

  14. Randy and Anonymous, thanks for those words about Sea Hunt! I will look for more info and pics about their part in the Fair. ;-)

  15. Beautiful pics, Major.

