Sunday, January 29, 2012

More Last Frontier, Las Vegas - 1955

This is a sort of follow-up to this post from a few weeks ago; you remember! The Last Frontier Hotel and Casino. It was the most huggable casino ever.

This guy is admiring a car that was probably made around the time he was born. Maybe he owned one just like it when he was a teenager, when he took Betty Lou to the nickelodeon. Notice that the buildings show some Chinese influence, adding a touch of historical accuracy to the olde-timey Western town.

It's hard to believe that there was a time when old steam locomotives were valued only as scrap, unless you needed an eye-catching display for some reason. This old girl probably hauled ore and tailings around the old west back in the 1800's. Now she has a dummy in her cab!

To the left you can see the livery stable, and even some horses; at one time folks could take a ride out into the desert, away from the glitz of The Strip. General Store was one of the Civil War's most famous officers, and here is a museum devoted just to him. Inspiring!

Are you sick of the Last Frontier yet? I have more if you want to see it!


  1. Nope, not sick of it. Looks like a neat place to sight see and we can't anymore, so bring it on.

    Sign in the top one sez "Palisade Eureka" which I can't figure.

    Cool to see a tribute to General Store. Originator of the Dry Good. I see they even have the carriage of the newspaper magnate tyrant tycoon guy who built that amazing Castle like estate. You know, William Ranoff Hearse.

    "This old girl probably hauled ore and tailings around the old west back in the 1800's. Now she has a dummy in her cab!"

    ^ You never know, she might have then!

  2. I read that Private Employees Only served valiantly under General Store's command.

  3. Chuck2:28 PM

    More Last Frontier and awful puns, please!grasubse

  4. I love it!

    Places like this were mainstays of childhood trips!!


