Sunday, November 20, 2011

Streetcar & Castle, June 1963

I've got two snoriffic pictures for you today!

Southern California's "June gloom" is in evidence, with the sun casting a diffused light through the thick marine layer. Even the horse pulling the streetcar looks glum! The dude in the foreground has his souvenir guidebook in hand - don't get it all fingerprinty!

It's as if it was an official "No Kids Day"! The baby in the stroller (previous pic) is the only young child to be seen. A bunch of old-timers enjoy a moment in front of the castle; I like being able to see the carrousel through the arch... it's not quite so visible these days, having been pushed back in 1983.


  1. The guy ambling our direction on the castle bridge with the popcorn in one hand, is DETERMINED to be in his happy place. June Gloom? Who gives a darn!

    The lady in front looks proud of herself for being there. It's a long way from Oklahoma and she's enjoying the break from leading off The Farmer and The Cowman.

    'Nother neat Main St pic. That horse is putting on a show of puttin' his back into it. Too bad he doesn't know the thing doesn't have a single passenger hehe Guy on curb: yes. Take your sweetie into the Carnation parlor!

  2. Orange Co Native12:12 PM

    It is a real coincidence that there are no kids in some of these pictures from back then.

    My parents, especially my dad only went to Disneyland because he had children. If he had no children, he probably would have only gone once in his lifetime to just see what it was all about. He was busy working and building his career. By the time Disneyland was built in 1955, my dad was already 30. So he never grew up with it. He looked upon it as a place for kids. Kiddy Land so to speak.

    I guess a lot of other adults back then didn't have the same perspective on Disneyland as my dad. I think Disneyland is popular with more adult now is perhaps the nostalgia. Remembering it from when you were a child. Growing up with Disneyland. I know that is part of the reason why I go and to also give my kids the same experience I had when we went every summer back in the 50's, 60's and 70's.

  3. Chiana, I thought that might be a movie camera in his hand, but it's too tiny to say for sure. I do like that lady's "hands on hips" gesture; "Well, darnit, here we are!". Carnation parlor... mmmm, ice cream.

    OC Native, you are so right about the difference between growing up with Disneyland and NOT doing so. I was lucky to go as a child, and I am well aware that much of my love of the place is due to the nostalgia I feel for those days and the memories of how happy I was when I got to go. I still have fun, but it is not like it was....

  4. I grew up in Chicago, so I never had a place like this to grow-up to (though we had Six Flags Great America). Still after I moved here and when DL started playing Captain Eo again after the death of MJ, I saw it for the first time. My friends, some who saw it when it originally played, still adore it to this day. I found it horribly outdated, and boring (and am curious as to if this is where the idea of the Borg from TNG was born). I could not see why it was loved by so many people. But that happens, perhaps, when it was not part of your childhood.

  5. David, I have still never seen Captain Eo! I'm not an MJ fan, and from the clips and photos that I'd seen, it just looked lame. But I know there are many who love it, and that is cool. To each his/her own! As for it being outdated, I would probably actually enjoy that aspect (from a nostalgia point of view) more than if it was polished and cutting-edge.

  6. I enjoyed these pics!

  7. You still can see the carousel thru the castle arch, but; no one can be in the way and it looks really far, but you can still see it, better at night. No Kids day? I love kids but - sign me up!

    p.s. to "David" Cap. EO precursor to TNG's Borg, hey - you're right!!! I was at EO for the first show on the reopening day, the theater was packed and the fans went CRAZY...

  8. @OC Native. I agree completely.

    @David. I agree, C-EO is pretty hackneyed, but the dancing etc. is spectacular, even to someone like me who usually is bored to death by choreography. MJ was a talented entertainer, but his voice is like nails on chalkboard. I would sit through it again, I guess. The air-conditioned theater helps.

    I had noted earlier that the final scene is highly reminiscent of the ending of the "First Contact" Star Trek movie, except about seven years before the Star Trek introduced the Borg...surprised that no one bothered to make something of interesting commentary on the migration of symbols.

    @VDT & Major. I have noticed the carousel again in several recent castle pics. It seems so "immediate", drawing you through the gateway. Looking at the aerial shot, I wonder how it fit in there before...

