Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Mystery Kiddie Park, August 1960

I always get a kick out of pictures of various "kiddie parks" from around the country; it's more fun to know where they are, but you can't have everything. Today's examples, from August 1960, might be from a temporary carnival now that I think about it.

Two adorable tots enjoy the thrills and excitement of this little motor boat ride. Well, sis is enjoying it, anyway; little bro is seeing his life flash before his eyes, and he's only 2 and half years old.

Right next to the boat ride is this little train - one of the stranger looking miniature trains. "Sunshine Electric Choo Choo" has a nice ring to it. The train may only go around and around, but judging by the expressions on the kid's faces, they are having a ton of fun. Let's go get some taffy!


  1. I want to ride the Octopus!

  2. Vaughn9:55 AM

    From the look of the buildings in the background, kind of old and new construction mixed in; I'm guessing it's some state or county fair. After the taffy I'm up for any kind of food on a stick! As long as it's deep fried.

  3. I agree with Vaughn, I remember rides just like these at the county fair in my youth.

    That little boy in the boat looks exactly like my son at that age. Aah, many moon, many buffalo...

    What fun. Thank you Major.


  4. Simple yet fun, heck that boat ride still looks fun!

    That "Electronic Train" looks neat too, is that a power line hooked to the engine???

  5. Vaughn9:02 AM

    Very cool, I just noticed in the background, of both pics, a Piasecki H-21 twin rotor helicopter. You don't see too many of those these days.

  6. Good eye, Vaughn! I don't see too many of ANY helicopters, to be honest!

  7. Google has a copy of an ad for the Sunshine Electric Choo Choo. It is from 1953.
