Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Frontierland, January 1974

I'm not sure that 1974 would be considered a "golden age" in general, but it was a pretty sweet time to go to Disneyland! Today we're going to hang out in Frontierland - specifically Tom Sawyer Island.

This girl had the pontoon bridge all to herself! It seems that whenever I'm on that bridge, there are at least five kids jumping up and down, making a ruckus. I always yell at them to stop having so much fun! Then I make sure that this event goes on their permanent record (no Harvard for you, punk!). Without rules, we might as well be wild animals, am I right? Sometimes I accidentally tell them to get off my lawn. Embarrassing!

I still think of this as the fishing pier, but there are no fish to be caught anymore. It had something to do with Watergate. HA! Get it? Fish? WATERgate? Hello? Is this thing on?

Oh my gosh, those look like Yippies! They're storming Castle Rock again. Shoot to kill, security guards, shoot to kill.


  1. Last week we explored the Island for the first time in about a year--so much of it was roped off or not accessable -The Mill, the point of the Island faceing new Orleans Square --seems they were getting ready for Fantasmic 8 hours early. I hate how Fantasmic ruins so much of the park's accesability and atmposphere of this side of the park. The same way half of Disneyland has to shut down for the Fireworks show -Disneyland RR, Monorail, Small World, Casey Jr., Storybook Canal,--all of the Fanstasyland dark rides, Carousel, Toon Town (ah--they can keep Toon Town closed forever as far as I care)......this create a trap for thousands of park guests who do NOT want to be forced to watch the fireworks show. I still love Disneyland------but make smaller Firework shows. And get off my lawn!!!

  2. What Mike said! I thought I was the only one that's bothered by Fantasyland shutting down for the fireworks show. I was hoping after the 50th Anniversary, that they'd just go back to the old Fantasy In The Sky Fireworks show and keep Fantasyland open, but it's 6 years later and it still hasn't happened!

  3. Oh, and in the background of that fishing pier pic, you can see the abandoned section of Rainbow Ridge that was used for the Pack Mules, which would have closed several months earlier.

  4. I sense some buried hostilities in you, Major. It's not your lawn, it's MINE!

  5. The attraction closers for fireworks or World of Color (god I hate World of Color) just drives me nuts. It's hard enough to get on the Fantasyland dark rides as it is without loosing so many hours.

    Also the traffic nightmare that is Main Street during the fireworks. Gahh!

    Though the fireworks are pretty cool to watch while on Big Thunder Mountain.

  6. I'm only going to say that I agree with the previous posters.

    These mega shows were introduced because management didn't want to spend money on rides anymore; the problem is that the Park isn't a rock concert venue or a stadium.

  7. I am a big fireworks fan, but I agree that it is not too cool to close so much of the park for such a long time.

    World of Color, I hear so many raves about it, and yet I have the feeling I will be underwhelmed when I finally see it. Hope I'm wrong.

    As for Fantasmic, I hate how it has ruined the look of the southern part of the island, not to mention the awful crowds that clog the waterfront in Frontierland (sometimes twice a night!). The show is OK (JUST OK) but the crowds ruin any goodwill I might have had toward it.

  8. Major, for what it's worth, I had annual passes to the park from about 2000 to 2008 and literally had the oppertunity to see Fantasmic dozens of times, but in fact I only saw it twice and just took advangate of the short lines.

    The first time I saw the show, it was a few months after it opened and I was blown away -- I litterally could not have experienced a better show - period.

    About 5 years later, I took my brother and his wife to Disneyland (her first trip) and insisted on Fantasmic. It was a tremendous disappointment. The show had obviously been changed (apparently to cover for missing effects/elements) and as a result, relied too heavily on the same gimmicks. I found myself watching my watch after a few minutes. We all came away saying "meh". It was like it was another show...

  9. Yea 1974! Yea TSI

    Yea No Hippies


  10. get a hair cut!

  11. Yet more agreement. Nix Fantasmic, go back to fireworks shows that don't close half the park, and keep traffic flow and attractions open. Disneyland is a surprisingly small chunk of land, and isn't designed for this kind of abuse. These events make it unpleasant for everyone. So do the parades -- No matter how beatifully designed the parade units are. Move all that stuff over to DCA.

  12. Chris, I agree with you, but I have the feeling that the general public is happy to have the big fireworks shows in spite of the attraction closures. Parades for me are something to be avoided (although I loved the Electric Light Parade).

    There are so many AP's that come to the park all the time that the park is trying to keep them entertained. That's my theory anyway!
