Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cascade Peak, January 1961

A few years ago I had a conversation with a guy who had a low opinion of Frontierland's Cascade Peak. It didn't "do anything", you couldn't climb it or ride through it, and the fact that it was now gone - a victim of neglect and penny-pinching - was no big deal. D'OH!

Talk about somebody who just didn't get it! Take a look at this neat mini-mountain and tell me that Frontierland is better off without it. I dares ya! Notice how the Mine Train tracks pass beneath this particular waterfall.

Zooming in a bit, we can see one of the big horned sheep that were only on the mountain for a short while. Apparently they scared the pack mules.

Here's a slightly different angle. I'm pretty sure that the aforementioned mules passed over that "natural arch" bridge, following a trail that took them around the opposite side of the peak and into Nature's Wonderland.

I think that this photo was taken from the Nature's Wonderland side of the mountain. It looks great from every angle! This waterfall was known as the "3 sisters".


  1. I like the layering of depth they crammed into what is a deceptively small area.

    Sure would have been cool to have Big Thunder rock around the peak and see the river. As it is, Cascade Peak is another signal to potentials yet to be realized. Waiting for someone at Disney to get inspired...

  2. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Yes, I do miss Cascade Peak, but I was always a little disturbed by the lack of realism that the waterfalls brought to the peak. Where could such a gushing torrent originate so near to the pinnacle of a peak? It just wasn't at all true to nature. Having said that, I still wish they'd bring it back.

  3. Yep, Cascade Peak made no sense with geology, but it really looked great! Unfortuantely it will probably never be rebuilt. By teh way, it DID "do something." It was a great moment on the Mine Train!

  4. Oh my, stunning photos of the dearly missed Cascade Peak. I still remember the 1st time I visited the park after they removed it, it ruined the whole day... Thanks for these awesome shots and good memories.

  5. Gosh, those are great shots. LOVE that first one.

  6. More evidence of how cool Disneyland was, without complex fast rides.


  7. Vaughn10:42 AM

    While they may not "do" anything, these scenic highlights are the elements that create the immersive experience that set, at least they used to set, Disneyland far above the rest of the amusement park competition.
    The current administration, I fear, just doesn't quite get it. And we will see more of these touches go by the wayside.

  8. Does anyone know if the Three Sisters were switched off after Nature's Wonderland went to Yesterland? It makes no sense to keep the pumps running on a waterfall nobody could see. Or could you see them from the craft along the Rivers of America? It's been 12 years since I last saw it (indeed, since anyone last saw it) and my memory's a bit hazy on this point.

  9. Wow this mini mountain looks so amazing... Small but it has its own beauty to share. Anyway, looking at those great photos, views and attractions, it really felt inviting. I hope to visit the place someday.

  10. Didn't do anything? Cascade Peak was a scenic highlight on no less than seven - count 'em - seven Frontierland attractions! Not just the Mine Train and the Pack Mules but everything on the River as well, from Twain to Canoes. It's thundering presence is sorely missed.

  11. Well Dave, I think it is safe to say that I am on your side when it comes to Cascade Peak!

  12. Gotta agree with Dave on this one... Cascade Peak was definitely Frontierland mainstay. Too bad. :(
