Sunday, September 12, 2010

Town Square & Train, April 1974

I don't have much to say about today's pix... nothing too exciting going on, and yet they do remind me of childhood visits to the park. This first one is really more about the people than the park. It must be chilly, notice the little girls with their fur-trimmed hoods to the left. Some folks are walking down the steps, having jut gotten off the train. Could that be a tour group in the lower right?

The C.K. Holliday in silhouette...!


  1. Yeah. Not much to these. But a bit better than a poke in the eye eh?

    C. K. Holliday. Okay I'm up for taking their sumbliminal suggestion, but who is Kay and what would we see as she goes on holiday? :)

    A coupon eh? Just A coupon. One thin dime. Insert dime in Gurr-mobile, take a ride to the hub. Hop off antique gasoline transport. Stroll to your left, further back in the past; stroll to your right a bit, hop in progressively minded future-here-today PippleMover. Ah me.

  2. NOT MUCH TO SAY? .... Its a train for God's Sake. And to top it off, its a Disneyland train. What more can you ask for people? OK, sorry... didn't mean to shout. Nice pics!

  3. Ah, 1974...twas a very good year...

  4. I agree with Connie, but I'd even go so far as to say it was a very good decade.

    Hmmm, I wonder if that large ficus tree is still there today?

  5. TokyoMagic: I just thought the same thing; is that tree still in residence? Seems like there is at least a similar specimen if not the original in place today...

    And I do love and miss the 70's, as they were 'formative years' and the annual Disneyland trip was such a special event for our family each Summer.

    Taking the (hopefully) Yellow Monorail into the park on the first day, and starting the visit with 'America Sings' as our first ride was always a blast.


  6. *sigh* I still can't hear Down By The Riverside without ending it in my head with a "bum - bum." :p
