Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dance Circle, June 1963

I know what you're all thinking; why is that Indian wearing a traditional Swedish shirt? Also, you are thinking about seasoned curly fries. Those two little tow-headed boys give me the heebie-jeebies. The are from the village of the damned, for sure.

All the kids are invited to participate in the show. Little did they know that they were required to dance in a circle in the hot sun for hours and hours until they hallucinated. The two damned children knew, and they wisely sat this one out.


  1. Plaid / checkers, they will be back. I know a lady with a new shirt almost identical to the lady front left bottom pic. But more than that, the Native American headpieces should come back.

    Those two "damned" boys, they gave them two super cool drums, one per, but they left them on that bench to create tantrums and misery fighting over which one gets the Big Drum. Say what one will about the loud Swiss shirt but the Native American gentleman is clearly a wise man: he's staying clean outta this. Pose for the pics, ignore the brats 'till the parents finally taketh them away and peace will be restored...

  2. "Children of the corn" cute kids but they do have a "demon" look to them!

    I have a craving for some seasoned curly fries!

  3. I never did find the Village of the Damned. Somehow I missed it, damn it.

    Great shots - I love seeing these since I was obviusly too busy looking for the afore mentioned village...

  4. No, no, these kids are from the less-well known Village Of The Drummed.

    It was a little further down the pike from the village you are thinking of...

    Curly fries.........mmmmmmmm.

