Friday, August 27, 2010

More "Damaged", 1956

Here are two more from a lot of faded and damaged (but otherwise gnarly!) slides.

We've barely entered Frontierland in both of these images... in fact I believe that the log post to our extreme right (partially obscured by somebody's thumb) is part of the stockade. Our little family poses in front of an authentic-looking building (more logs!); a sign to the left says "Assay Office". Notice that everybody has a souvenir hat. Except me.

Just to the left of the previous view is the entrance to the Frontier Trading Post (sans wooden Indian). It must be summer, everyone is wearing light colors in an attempt to stay comfortable. I tried zooming in on that window to see if I could make out any specific souvenirs, but it was just too indistinct.


  1. i like these very much...

    and how do ya like all those antlers on the roof? i have always wondered why the Imagineers did this and whether they REALLY did this in the Old West...maybe their version of the Frisbee?? whyever the reason, it look cool in an unusual sort of way

    thanks for the doctorin', Major!

  2. This may sound weird but those pictures look like you can reach out and put your hand back in time, LOL.

  3. Nancy, I didn't live in the "real" Old West, but have lived in a lot of places where Today's West hasn't yet arrived, and putting antlers on the wall, roof or fence is a common practice to this day.

    It feels natural and true-to-life to me to see these buildings decorated up this way.

    My Dad, (who did grew up in the Old West before it was called that) always preferred Frontierland and Knotts. He was a big fan of Calico too, but that really was a real place. He noticed and remarked on these kinds of details, usually in surprise that the "city guys" got it right.

    Hope this helps.


  4. How is it that your "damaged" slides look better than my best ones???

    Pic #1 screams for a "Now & Then" - I'm all over it!

    Nice post, thanks.

    Connie; I know what you mean.

  5. Nancy, I tink we found earlier that antlers etc really were put on roofs to distinguish where a person could find supplies. So putting them on a "store" grist mill and stockade with trading post wasn't just random decor. :)

    Maj, these are gnarly! I like that kid in front of the trading post, he's saying "I need me a six-shooter ma." His ma needs to think on that but carefree Aunt Bee can just laugh.

  6. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I think Aunt Bee might be tipsy.

  7. IIII'mm somebody's
    IIIIIII'mmmm somebody's
    I'm somebody's thumb!

    Oh...sorry...that was "Somebody's *Mom* in those Snack-Pack ads. (I still have nightmares about that lady riding the eggbeater like a unicycle).

    Great shots, even damaged! I never really thought about the antlers on the roof before...It kind of looks like Santa had a bad landing.

  8. I am ashamed that I did not mention the antlers, since it is apparent that all of my readers are antler crazy!

    I have to admit that I would be happy to find more damaged slides if they are as good as some of these have been.

    JG, thanks for the great comment!

    And always, thanks to Nancy and Connie, who are ever-faithful.

    VDT, I look forward to your "now and then", since, as you know, I never go to the park!!

    Chiana, they put antlers on the roof because they didn't really work too well on the floor.

    And Rich T., I feel like I should remember the Snack Pack song, but I don't. Libby the Kid yes, Snack Pack no!

  9. thanks JG and Chiana...i knew someone out there had the answer!

    thanks, David. you always make it fun! :-)

  10. Nice pics. I also dig that so many of the women were wearing skirts. Going out anywhere used to mean so much more to folks back then!
