Sunday, July 18, 2010

Matterhorn at Dusk, September 1967

Dusk... that fleeting time when the day has ended, but night hasn't quite begun. I can think of at least 4 words that rhyme with "dusk". But that's another story.

One of the Matterhorn bobsleds is mere moments away from an exciting splashdown into icy water (runoff from the mountain's glaciers!). I'm kind of surprised that the splash has not been made bigger over the years (some folks - not me - apparently love to get wet), but perhaps it's just not practical. Oatmeal would slow the bobsleds down even more. You can see some of the ride operators in the upper level of the chalet.

This slide was über dark, but I wanted to include it because I like how it captured a Skyway bucket and a bobsled at the same time.


  1. smart ride operators,staying well clear of the oatmeal spray ;)

    dusk is one of those two-sided things, both happy and know going home it getting closer but when the lights come on before its actually dark is the prettiest time of the day for me at the parks

    thanks for the modern sky bucket!

  2. Chuck5:14 PM

    I always thought it would be even cooler if Monstro the Whale appeared in the glacier lakes at random intervals and swallowed bobsleds whole. It would also have the added benefit of keeping the lines shorter as there would be fewer repeat riders.

  3. Ah Dusk. When the dusky skies and musky air sinks through your dusky mind like an elephants... but frell I'm fresh out of rhymes.

    These earlier bobsleds had race car like numbers on them, because they were faster. ;) The upper story of the Chalet looks pretty full. Very nice, I wanna take a break, go down there and ride that Matterhorn!

  4. Hmm Hadn't heard of those glaciers... i thought the rivers were filled by an artesian well that arises somewhere just beneath the basketball court in the basement of the Matterhorn...


  5. Nobody mentioned "husk" yet. Or "brusque."

  6. Chris, I got "husk", but you win the prize with "brusque". Any word with a "q" automatically wins!
