Saturday, June 12, 2010

Snow White Grotto, April 1966

Right near the hustle and bustle of Sleeping Beauty's Castle, you'll find a peaceful place to relax: Snow White's Grotto.

As you can see in this first photo, it is beautifully landscaped with plenty of trees and plants. There is a picturesque little bridge, and even a wishing well. The main attraction is the rocky grotto, with waterfalls and playful fountains, and white marble scultpures of Snow White, the seven dwarfs, and a few forest friends.

Regular readers will remember Chip's father, who took so many wonderful photos from this April 1966 group that I have been posting for months. Well, he took this swell picture of the grotto at night (he also took that great Skull Rock photo from a few weeks ago). Thanks, Chip's dad! I'll have more nice night photos comin' up.


  1. Insert jaw-drop emoticon here!

    There's something I never expected to see. A good (or atually any!) vintage night shot of the grotto!

    Thank you to Chip's Father wherever he may be! And to the Maj for the nice scan and generosity to share it. :) The day time shot ain't shabby either!

  2. This area always felt like you were miles away from everything. Great pics Major.

  3. Chuck5:22 AM

    I've always loved this corner of the park. I would have proposed to my wife there if we hadn't already been married on our first visit together. As usual, my timing was off.

    As always, thanks for posting!

  4. Chuck, what a nice thought!

    i have always enjoyed seeing this little piece of serenity when we visit, tho this is the first photo i have ever seen at night. beautiful! :-)

  5. Not to break the charming nostalgic feelings here, but that's the rock Michael Jackson stands on while sings it the 25th anniversary show - sorry, but whenever I see that rock now I think if that.....

    The night time photo is stunning..

  6. Absolutely the most enchanted spot in the whole of the Magic Kingdom.

  7. SundayNight9:03 PM

    Wow! That night shot is fantastic!!

  8. Anonymous10:50 AM

    One of my favorite places too. I remember visiting this spot with my parents and my grandfather, must have been 1967.

    He remarked on the characters, (most of the Disney world was strange to him, new-fangled stuff), GrandDad recognized them as the movie my Dad took my Mother to see while they were dating in 1939.

    OK, now I feel old.

    Love the grotto, love the shots, thanks for sharing.


  9. Glad the photo evoked some fond memories, JG! I know what you mean about feeling old...!!

  10. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I feel that way about your whole blog, even the stuff I dont comment on...

    thanks for the trackback.

