Monday, June 14, 2010

More fun from April 1966

I've got three nice pix for you today, starting with this great shot of the Barker Bird out in front of the Enchanted Tiki Room. He has his red plumage (see his blue plumage here), I think I like the red. The straw skimmer and bow tie add to his jaunty appearance!

The old Skyway buckets went bye-bye in 1965, giving way to the familiar boxy models that stayed until 1994. See the tiny balloon in the sky (or is it a cluster of balloons)? I hope some kid isn't crying; or at least that he is far enough away that we don't have to listen to him.

Chip and his mom are hangin' out by the river, maybe they're thinking about taking the raft over to Tom Sawyer Island. We know they went there because we've seen Chip climbing Tom's Treehouse. I think that Chip must be watching some icky girl doing icky girl stuff.


  1. Yup that's the face on Chip - and it's the girl on the raft behind him that did it to him! Mom is trying not to notice. hehe

    How about the geek cowboy manning the raft - and wondering if he shouldn't defer command to the officer on deck to our right.

    What's the curved sign in the background? Left, raft pic.

    Wonderful Enchanted Tiki Room pic I can't get enough. Love the Tiki. With or without a barker bird. But with, all the better. :)

  2. Chiana, I am not sure what that curved sign is! Didn't even notice it. It sort o looks like it's over by some steps that were part of Fowler's Harbor, but I honestly don't know.

  3. Great shots - my guess for the curved sign is for the "B" ticket Columbia Museum tour (link) just a guess, but it does line up with the marked location on the guide book.

    The photographer knew what he was doing, the last pic is marvelous, minus chips kicky girl face!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great shot of the 'barker bird'.
    {edit...yup I can spell.}

  6. Cool pic of the Barker Bird! They should put him back out there!

  7. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The curved sign is for the Keel Boats.

  8. [my 2¢] I don't think that's the Keel Boat sign, it's too fancy - here's the Keel Boat sign when it was located just south of Fowlers Harbor (link).

    The Regular Columbia sign mounted at the top of the loading stairs (link) has the same arch as the back of the Columbia herself and also matches the arch of the mystery sign in Major's photo.

    In this somewhat low res photo you can just make out the sign at Fowler's harbor (link). Somewhere there's gotta be a photo of the front of that sign - then we'd know for certain :-)

  9. Chuck2:35 PM

    I didn't know Barry Livingston moonlighted at Disneyland. I wonder how Fred MacMurray felt about that?

    Can't tell if the guy to his left (our right) is a Marine or an Airman - the old slate grey AF uniforms look greenish in some old color photos. I don't see a shoulder patch, so you can rule out the Army. I can't imagine being comfortable in Class A's/Service Dress at an amusement park, but it does look sharp.

    You see a fair amount of GIs in uniform in some of these older photos. I wonder if wearing the uniform was a condition for discount tickets back then like it was for the old military standby airfares.

  10. Chuck6:44 PM

    Correction - the old AF uniforms were slate BLUE.

    Good grief...your hair starts turning grey and suddenly there are no other colors in your vocabulary. Maybe I'll go bald and stop worrying about it...

  11. Chuck, servicemen DID get a considerable discout (and in the really early days, so did members of the clergy!).

    Vintage Disneyland Tickets, I think you make a persuasive argument. It does look a lot more like the Columbia sign than the Keelboat sign.

  12. Loved reading everybody's comments today...I learned something!

  13. my favorite sky buckets, tho i know im in the minority here....

    thanks for a great picture, not enuf of them! :-)

    Barker bird is always a treat as well

  14. Chuck,
    I'd say Marine too. I served in both the Army and then the Air National Guard, and it doesn't look like either of my class A's.

    I really enjoy when we get mystery photos to pick apart..., the icky girl look, the uniform, the signs make for great community collaboration.
