Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Frontierland Views, 1957

There were plenty of perils when you were on the frontier, but luckily there were some friendly Indians along the way. These two warriors are saluting the "penelore", which translates to "fire canoe". I'm pretty sure I've seen that fella in the middle of the picture in some old Viewmaster images and perhaps a postcard or two. He hides his pemmican in that rock with the door. Notice the birch bark house in the background, still under construction.

At last, a safe haven from the dangers we've managed to survive in our trip across the prairie. In spite of it's rough construction, it looks like paradise to my weary eyes.


  1. Wow. Behold how superior the Indian apparel is compared to that poor Babes in Toyland reject kid behind 'em in the really bad hair and flour sack cut blue and white stripes. Words fail!

    Fort Wilderness looks fantastic there to my weary eyes too! It says "Frontier" to me. I wanna run up that there dirt trail and hole up there for a spell. Or hang out with the Indians? Let's do both, as visitors were to do there, and make peace. :)

    Wonderful pics Maj thanks as always :)

  2. Chuck4:08 AM

    Oh, boy - is that a nice shot of Ft Wilderness! Man, do I miss that place.

  3. That's one heck of a fort shot! Oh Major, if you saw what was there today you'd loose your banana's!

  4. Andrew10:55 AM

    At first glance, it looked like the lady in black was about to raise a rifle, but then I noticed she was armed with something even more worrisome to the friendly Indians: A germy kid!

  5. Anonymous3:30 PM

    If memory serves me, the fort not only replicated a pioneer fortification with great authenticity, it also contained an apartment for Walt Disney's grandchildren. In many respects, you could say that it was their summer getaway for times when they didn't want to live in their fantasyland apartment and needed some peace and quiet. I think I can see one lurking in the shadows of one of the blockhouses in the picture. I'm pretty sure I can.

  6. I thought that Walt Disney's grandchildren had an apartment at the top of the Matterhorn.
