Saturday, May 29, 2010

Something Steamy, April 1966

Sure, some people think the Mark Twain is a beautiful steamboat. But in this head-on photo it resembles a frowning, many-eyed skull with two huge black horns. It's a creature from hell! I'm not crazy!

The souls of the damned are on their way to the underworld. I hope there are churros there.


  1. Neat Indian shield and real nice River pic, the 2nd one. :)

    Hmm Churros...

  2. ill take a ride on that pretty boat.... :-)

  3. Now that you mentioned it, it does look evil from the front, I think it needs some pirate garb to complete the look!

    Evil aside it does look like a beautiful April Day...

  4. I'll bet you take an interesting Rorschach test.
