Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mine Train Thru Nature's Wonderland

I have plenty of things to do with my money when I win the Lottery (next time, I just know it!). Like hire Weta Workshop to create a CG, 3-dimensional film of the "Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland" attraction. They did most of the effects of "Avatar", so just imagine how cool it will be. I'll let you know when it's done!

In the mean time, here are a few photos. This closeup of one Mine Train gives us a nice look at some of the details, like that pinstriping on the lamp and sand dome (?). Inside the cab you can see part of sign that says, "DANGER (illegible) Do Not (illegible)". I sure wish I knew what was so darn dangerous. Werewolves?

Hey, look at what our buddy Perky Pickle sent me! He has the metal badge from the front of Mine Train #3. Wowee kazowee! Thanks for sharing, I am jealous.


There's nothing like a trout fresh from the river, as any bear can tell you. Well, any talking bear. They dredge them in seasoned flour and sauté them, and then serve them with a shallot & lemon butter, garnished with parsley.

The desert. Some say it's a parched wasteland. I've said it myself when I'm all liquored up. Don't even get me started on the desert when I'm liquored up! Just look at it! All lumpy and hot! Aieeeeee.....


  1. Let us know when it's finished! ;D

    Werewolves? Not there wolves. There engine. I wonder what the warning was too... Those trains are just so neat!

    Nah - I'm guessing that bear is having cedar plank salmon. Look at how stiff it is.

    See the pack mule riders on the right? As for the desert well... charming, actually, but again I rant, I suspect Disney could do something like it better now and I'd like to see that happen. :)

    Viva Pecos Bill!

  2. Heck, if I win the lottery...er, I mean when I win, I'm building the whole ride in my backyard (after buying the surrounding houses and having them bulldozed)! Sure, I'll be poor again, but I'll have one of my fondest Disneyland memories chugging around right outside my back door!!!

  3. I agree with the graffiti on the wall....Viva Pecos Bill.

  4. I fondly remember that bear! I used to think he was so cute when I was a kid.

  5. Andrew10:06 AM

    I just realized the sign visible through the cab is posted on the viaduct behind it, that the train just passed through.

    I found your post from Jan. 29,2007 with another view, but it is still illegible. Do you have any other views?


  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I feel very fortunate to say I am a former operator of the ride. It was a true joy and always entertaining...day and night. So much of the ambiance has been lost in that area since then. I believe the sign read "Danger Dynamite" with the additional "Do Not Enter".

    Enjoy your blog....

  7. Anonymous - thanks for the info (and insights). :)

    Perky Pickle... tsk... cool! A cherished momento I'm sure!

    Viva Pecos Bill!

  8. how nice...im jealous!!

    what a pretty picture of the train. every time i hear about this land, im sooo sorry i never got to experience Rainbow Ridge and all the fun things to do there :(

    good luck with that, Major. everyone should have a train in their backyard

  9. I love, love, love Nature's Wonderland! Hey, I just got back from the park.....I rode the Columbia and was surprised to see that the old Mine Train vehicle is gone!!!! In the words of Nancy Kerrigan......WHHHHY????

  10. Awesome post - great update, thanks perky pickle! "Gasp" regarding the mine train's disappearance, maybe they are fixing it up????

  11. TokyoMagic, thanks for the little update you spotted. Here's hoping it will be good news...

    Viva Pecos Bill!

  12. Hmmm, that IS strange about the missing Mine Train. Guess we'll have to wait and see if it returns...

    Anonymous, I hope that you will somehow record your memories (in great detail) of being a ride operator on the Mine Train. Seriously!!

  13. Anonymous12:24 PM


    The memories are mostly from the perspective of sitting in the engine and enjoying the view like those in the cars behind me...the cool splash when going by Thunder Falls in the daytime...the desert view at night...hitting the speed and brakes just right to give the last car a thrill as we raced by the paint pots. Using the whistle as I entered the caverns to alert the train being loaded. There was total control of the ride by the operator than at most other attractions...it was a real (electric) train. Breaks, throttle, sand drops when slipping on tracks recently greased and hitting the spiel button at the right places...it was all manual.

  14. Seeing the boiler number plate reminded me of ours:

    Part of a Mine Train display

    Here is the No. 3 we are pleased to operate a couple days a month:

    Poway-Midland Railroad

    James Keeline

  15. Anonymous,

    I hope you're still monitoring this thread.

    As steam locomotive engineers (see previous post) and fervent Mine Train fans, my wife and I have wondered many things about the details of operating those Mancha locomotives. We have many photos of the Mine Train but none which show the control levers on the operator's right side. I have two versions of the SOP but these are not very specific.

    I'm guessing that you had a manual brake (silver circular wheel on left) plus controls for the electric throttle, sander, and air brakes.

    What did it sound like when operating? What did it smell like in various parts? How bright were those waterfalls?

    James Keeline

  16. Very cool James, looks like the Poway-Midland Railroad is a ton of fun!
