Friday, April 09, 2010

Tomorrowland, June 1975

Welcome to Tomorrowland, 1975 style! That's a good thing, in case you don't know (unlike many other things "1975 style").

The fabulous Rocket Jets... photos of this attraction always make me smile, for reasons that should be apparent to most of you. I mean, just look at it! It's COOL. A simple ride (essentially the same as "Dumbo") made amazing because of a few deceptively simple design decisions. And let's not forget the Peoplemover, solver of all of society's problems, including baldness. I even dig the Goodyear sign to the right; and let's not forget the Douglas "Mission to Mars" building!

The sun has set and and the sky has taken on a dusky pinkish purple color; the lights on the Monorail track have been turned on, the sub lagoon is bubbling, the Skyway is zipping back and forth while the four-car Peoplemover trains move like some sort of strange insect along their track.


  1. Very cool! This was just two years after I went there for the first time and its just how I remember it! If only everything hadn't "rusted...."

  2. Would someone PLEASE invent a time travel machine?????????

  3. Super set of photos! The PeopleMover and the Jets made a great pair - sorely missed... On the 2nd pic the angle seems a little weird, but wonderful too!!! Thanks Major!

  4. Very nice set this morning. Yes, that is a most wondrous tomorrow. And, an excuse to say some of my favorite things:
    Peoplemover yes yes yes and grays! Ahh, I feel better all ready.

  5. "The sun has set and the sky has taken on a dusky pinkish purple color; the lights on the Monorail track have been turned on, the sub lagoon is bubbling, the Skyway is zipping back and forth while the four-car Peoplemover trains move like some sort of strange insect along their track." And the Speedramps worked!

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Wonderful. Thank you.

    One of my favorite times and places...wish Dr. Who was available to take me back.

    I keep looking at these pictures thinking I will see myself or my parents in the crowds.


  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Definitely the best version of T-land. Take me back to those days!

  8. I say, restore Tomorrowland to the 1967 version! They wanted "retro" in 1998 and it failed miserable. If they still want retro...then go back to THIS design.

  9. Kind of neat how the skyway photo from your last post is almost from the same angle as this one, but from a different time.

  10. Was just thinking the same thing about the Skyway photo. It's a remarkable 'Then & Now'. What a change.

  11. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I miss the Peoplemover and the overhead cups. Disneyland was better when it had slow-pace things like that which made people-watching and observing the park so much more fun.

  12. I'm with....well, pretty much all of you. The Peoplemover, old-school submarines, AND the Skyway? CLASSIC Tomorrowland. :)
