Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wurlitzer & Castle '57

In this first photo, it's a beautiful winter day (see the Christmas decorations?); could the sky be more blue? Right smack in the middle of the picture is ye olde Wurlitzer shop, gleaming gleamily. My uncle and aunt (Harold and Florence!) have an electric Wurlitzer organ in their magnificently finished basement in Minnesota, and if you are lucky, Florence will dazzle you with her rendition of The Association's "Windy" ("Who's walkin' down the streets of the city, smiling at everybody she sees?").

From a different lot of 1957 slides comes this very nice picture of Sleeping Beauty Castle. It has an antique quality that reminds me of the covers of Disneyland's early souvenir guidebooks. Let's stop and get a fudgesicle, and then we can head into Fantasyland!

I'd like to wish everybody a very happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Aw thanks Maj. Thanksgiving vibes to Dave, Dave, Cox Pilot, Chris, Jim, Nancy, Katella, VDT, Viewliner, Matterhorn, Kevin, Matt and... *wheeze* oh my, all the visitors. :)

    Absolutely amazing how that 2nd pic looks exactly like one of those vintage guidebooks and stuff. Except, one you can step into.

    Wurlitzer. What a wonderfully c1900 shop idea. Busy day, Main St. looks peachy and you're so right, that sky is uberblue. Uber! Unfortunately they really shoulda played something more upbeat for the man who's now walking toward us with a glare that could turn you to a newt - quick, run for the penny arcade!

  2. Nice warm Holiday feel to these Major, Thanks! The second one could be the cover to the 1957 Guidebook!

    Oh to here "Windy" on an electric Wurlitzer organ - don't tease us, I bet that sounds marvelous.

    I did a 1957 post today too, great minds...

    Happy Thanksgiving to Major and all the great readers of this blog.

  3. hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend.

    this post is great, and you wanna know why? coz i know that as soon as i see this particular building, i am in for THE best time there is, a day at Magic Kingdom!!

  4. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Did not intend to overlook you on the holiday.

    I enjoy your blog, along with VDT, Matterhorn and Viewliner.

    I am working my way through Matterhorn from back to front, I'll start on yours when done there.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Anonymous fan.

  5. Anonymous, in addition to the sites you mentioned, be sure to check out "Daveland" and "Outside The Berm".
