Monday, November 30, 2009

Fantasyland, April 1970

Today we'll take a rare foray into the 1970's. Barely! These photos are from April 1970.

I like this first photo, it kind of reminds me of the scene in "The Wizard of Oz" when it transitions from sepia to glorious 3 strip Technicolor. As we emerge from the shadows of King Arthur's Carrousel, the rest of Fantasyland (Dumbo, the Pirate Ship, the Matterhorn, the Skyway) dazzles us with a bright blaze of light and color.

Captain Hook took over the pirate ship, and the Chicken of the Sea mermaid moved away. Gramps can't believe that she's gone. Poor gramps!

Monstro's basketball-sized blue eye looks directly at us, while gramps and friends take a break. Is that kid wearing a propeller beanie?? And what is that colorful structure to the extreme right? Part of "It's a Small World" I would guess, but I don't really know. It has a very "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" look about it!


  1. Wonderful pics as usual, Major! That structure in the last photo was the caricature kiosk. I had my caricature drawn there back in 1976! I still have it too...guess I need to post that.

  2. P.S. There was a Small World souvenir stand across the way from that structure, but it didn't have the castle-like turrets.

  3. Gramps shoulda been Walt, in the 2nd pic it's almost like him, talking about the new things he had going...

    Ah well. Cap'n Hook is a long ways from a Chick of the Seas, no wonder he's bewildered. ;) Yikes the lady's hat and that burnt orange coat, yup it must be 1970.

  4. love my 70s...thanks for these! :D

  5. 1970 is just when I started to realize Disneyland was a place I wanted to be! Thanks for these Gems.

    Hey, first pic; I don't think that's the Carousel in the shadows, I think it's the Food stand on the east side of old Fantasyland, the one with grey burgers & greasy fries...

  6. I think you're right Tim... thanks for the correction!

  7. Yeah Baby! The frumpy 50's meets the swinging 70's in picture number two!

    My grandfather used to dress just like the guy in the "fedora", and my mom also had a taste for the Laugh-In look with the feed-bag hat.

  8. I think it is Geppetto's brother. Great pics.
