Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dancing in Frontierland, 1959

Here's three vintage color snapshots from 1959, featuring my favorite subject of all, the Indian Dance Circle! Man oh man, do I have a bunch of pictures of that thing!

The show is about to start; the anticipation is so thick you can cut it with a knife! Notice how all of these photos tilt to the right...

This photo shows a female dancer, which you don't see too often. At times there have even been very young Indian performers, possibly only 8 years old or so. Could they hold the record as the youngest Disneyland employees (something that others have claimed)?

Yep, there it is! I am glad that I got these out of my system.


  1. After recreating that dance you must be tired Maj. And maybe responsible for evoking a generous rainfall upon us... or something...

    In the 2nd pic the lady is leaving the circle having finished her dance. From that expression, she knows she was good too - a tough act to follow which is why the next dancer went out in a trio. :)

  2. 3rd pic I mean... I was dizzy after seeing the 2nd one hehe

  3. I like the tilt to the right, I bet one leg was shorter than the other!

    For an attraction (area) that was at the park for under 20 years, there sure a lot of photos of it! As with all things Disneyland, there can never be "too much" - Thanks Major!
