Monday, November 02, 2009

Adventureland & Tiki's Imports, September 1959

I don't spend nearly enough time in Adventureland, so today's photos are a nice change of pace. And there are no gaping hippos to be seen!

I originally thought that this little bridge was a shortcut between Frontierland and Adventureland, but I now believe that it crossed over an open waterway (now covered) that led to the rivers of the Jungle Cruise. Right after this picture was taken, the little boy fell into the water and was swallowed whole by an animatronic crocodile.

Just kidding! See? The kid is fine. Man, you guys are gullible. The whole family is checking out Tiki's Imports, where all sort of exotic keepsakes could be bought. Looks like there is a selection of sea shells, hats, Kodak film, and I'll bet there's a rubber snake or two in there somewhere. Or even a shrunken head, which every boy needs. Plus you can buy a big woven handbag to hold all of your treasures.


  1. Love the whole Tiki - ful scene. But can't place it! Let alone the bridge. Hm. There's the Plaza gardens building with its split personality, behind it. Was this cleared out for the Tiki Room or Tahitian Terrace?

    and when's the Tahitian Terrace comin' back? ;)

  2. Yeah, bring back the Tahitian Terrace!!!!

    Very nice Adventureland pics today, Major!

  3. Pegleg Pete4:47 AM

    Great pics! Adventureland just doesn't get enough love!

  4. Really good pictures. Love me that Adventureland.

  5. Nice Adventureland set! I've tried to find that bridge! It now appears to be the entrance way to "Aladdin's whatever", its actually still technically a bridge, but not the same one :-)... Ah, I can smell the wicker and rubber snakes in that second photo - Thanks Major!

  6. Great pictures Major. Adventureland at its best ever.

  7. The bridge leads to the Tahitian Terrace, for expensive lunches and dancing girls.

  8. i vote for that...bring back the dancing and fire walking....

    Adventureland is Awesome! :D

  9. At this time, the bridge would have led to the Adventureland side of the Plaza Pavilion. If I recall correctly (off the top of my head), Tiki's Tropical Imports was run by Bill Evans's wife, Jane.

  10. "I recall correctly (off the top of my head), Tiki's Tropical Imports was run by Bill Evans's wife, Jane."

    According to Jack Schrecengost, this is true!

  11. Vaughn7:38 PM

    He does look like he's holding on for dear life, as his sister is about to kick him over the side!
