Saturday, September 05, 2009

Busy Riverfront, October 1958

Here are two photos of Frontierland's riverfront, taken mere minutes apart. The mighty Columbia was brand new in 1958, and doesn't it look grand?

The clouds have scooted a bit to our right, and the Columbia has scooted away to allow the Mark Twain to have its turn at the dock. You can see the considerable crowds lining the shore around the bandstand, I can only assume that the Straw Hatters (or some other band) are performing.


  1. The Columbia sure look a lot bigger when compared to the Mark Twain in these photos, yet when your own it, it feels a lot smaller than the Mark Twain... Must be the masts & sails... Nice set, thanks Major!

  2. Notapirateship1:41 PM

    I was waiting for a third boat to come into the dock. Just these two then? Enough to make me happy.

  3. these images remind me of oil paintings...just beautiful!! :D

  4. The Columbia, she does indeed look grand Maj! The clouds, everything, like Nancy says, has an oil-painting feel. A gem of a shot of the gem of the ocean. Twain looks such an exciting sight at the dock. Think I'll be more appreciative and get more into the spirit when I see them coming my way next time - and I'll be on board! :D

  5. These photos match perfectly. I wonder if it was a tripod set up.
