Monday, August 24, 2009

Pacific Ocean Park Monday

I'm in the mood for some refreshing sea air, so let's go to Santa Monica and visit POP!

I love this first picture, showing folks strolling along the "International Promenade". That domed structure in the background predates POP by many years (as it was part of what was just called "Ocean Park"). Just to the right of the dome is the building that held the Magic Carpet attraction ("... relive enchanting moments from famous fairy tales as we soar above delightful scenes from such childhood favorites as 'The Nightingale', 'Hansel and Gretel', and others"). I'm not sure what the crazy building is in the right foreground; let's hear it from the experts!

This kid looks pretty darn happy. A little too happy if you ask me! He holding a munchie, possibly an eskimo pie. Judging by those wooden tikis, he's on the bridge that took you out to the South Sea Island where you would "Cross a beautiful waterfall, then board a gay Banana Train...". Thank goodness it wasn't a broccoli train, I don't care for broccoli.

If you were wondering about the "beautiful waterfall" mentioned in the previous paragraph, then wonder no more!


  1. I sure do wish I had been old enough to visit POP before it closed! These pics are wonderful, Major....hope to see more.

  2. Great pictures Major. Brings back a bunch of cool memories. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I believe that wacky building was the Fun House- or actually the mirrored maze. The mirror panels were edged with popcorn lighting which you can see in the shot. I don't recall the actual name of the attraction, though.
    -Glen Banks

  4. Ron Schneider11:07 AM

    That is indeed the 'Mirror Maze', as it was called... featured in the Twilight Zone episode with Jack Klugman & my pal, Billy Mumy. The Fun House walk thru would be behind us and to the right.

  5. Jim Casey sculpted those tikis! Cool....

  6. very cool pictures of what looks to have been a fun place..

    love the simple pleasures :D

  7. The Mirror Maze always freaked me out. If I remember right, it was always a bit stuffy in there and I was never sure how fast I would be able to find my way out, although I usually did pretty quickly. I too thought I recognized those framiliar vertical rows of light bulbs. Great photos...
