Monday, August 17, 2009

Disneyland Snapshots, December 1964

Here are four humble snapshots from December 1964, slightly faded and yellowed, but that just adds to their appeal in my opinion.

First up, we are looking across a sea of little fiberglass cars towards the Monorail Station (yellow Monorail up ahead). Strange to see so many Autopia autos sitting unused; I would have assumed that the attraction was down, but then we have the next photo...

... and there is a nice view (taken from the Skyway) looking down on the load area for the Autopia. Not exactly a long line!

Still aboard the Skyway, we're heading right towards that mountain! Passing through the Matterhorn was always a particularly fun moment, seeing the speeding bobsleds pass by and hearing the happy screams of the riders.

Junior has his mouse ears on, I hope they don't fly off during the trip down the icy paths! In fact, he looks pretty young, I wonder if he just barely reached the height requirement.


  1. Still the leather back on that Bobsled (which one's Bob?) looks like. Do any original cars remain? Was it more fun as a roller coaster with one car? Will we ever see a Skyway again? Will I ever run out of questions about vintage Disneyland?

  2. I like the parking lot full of Autopia cars.

  3. I'm jumping in that Autopia line! I love these old snap-shots, there's still a lot of detail still in these. OMG, more vintage fence! - Thanks Major. P.s. I have all the same questions as Chiana...

  4. I have heard that the Matterhorn didn't used to have a height requirement. I have no idea how to verify if it's true. It's hard to image a roller coaster not setting limits on who should ride.

  5. I believe the Matterhorn never had a height requirement, but an age requirement (3 years) instead. They were counting on the good judgement of the parents. No comment.

    Anyways, back when the bobsleds were single cars, the ride was a little bit smoother and took the turns and small dips in a more natural-seeming manner. It was a completely different visual experience without the interior caverns: It felt more like a wild-mouse on steroids, and you could glimpse over bobsleds zipping around above and below you. On the climb up, you could see the action going on all around the chain lift, and you got the great view at the top turn.

    But the waiting line took forever!

    I think the overhaul with the double cars, interior effects and Abominable Snowman improved the ride overall. Gain a lot, lose a little. The tandem bobsleds may ride the track in a slightly jerkier manner, but the shorter wait times are worth it. And it's still an awesome, one-of-kind sensory overload

  6. Thanks Rich. Would've been neat to ride it both ways. But it was and is my favorite 'coaster ever.
