Thursday, July 30, 2009

Two From Fantasyland 1960

Here are a couple of slides dated 1960, presumably from winter because you see lots of coats and long sleeves down below. But it's still a beautiful day! Both of these slides were taken from the Skyway.

We're heading towards the Matterhorn and will pass through it to Tomorrowland. Below us to the right is Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (with a considerable crowd in front of it), and in the center is a "tent" where you could get some grub. Hey quick, what's that to our left?

Oooo, it's a Pirate Ship! At this point it is still in the concrete swimming pool, but Skull Rock and the lagoon will be comin' along real soon. If we look closely at what's going on...

... you can see a group of folks talking to the Pirate, who appears to be mighty proud of his genuine wooden leg. Kids being kids, I'm sure he was asked how he lost his leg more than a few times. I say that it was bitten off by a great white shark. CHOMP!


  1. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Meanwhile you can see Potsie, Ralph and Richie leaving the ship.

  2. I wonder if he stuck his pen knife into his leg to scare the kids!

  3. A lot going on in that first pic. There's a red monorail in the background on the far left and the Moonliner Rocket just to the right of the Matterhorn..and even one of those early Fantasyland ticket booths at the bottom of the pic.

    Why is that lady letting her little girl balance on the edge of the pirate ship in that second pic? Although it does look like if she fell, she would just land on the roof over the doorway. Her mom was probably thinking that when she put her up there.

  4. That is so neat... I never new that had CM's with peg legs... Can't do that today... "Insensitive" you know, where every hurt feeling is the basis for a law suit.

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Yeah, I agree with Katella that the disabled people and their lawsuits have become a real problem! What could they be thinking! It's nice to see an authentic peg-leg pirate! Wonder if they had one with a hook too! That would have even been more appropriate! Ahhhh, for the good ol' days!

  6. Sweeping people who were scarred from injury under the rug and showing only perfect specimins all the time would be inappropriate. But that's probably what we'd have now. When people are determined to fault Disney for every uncomfortable reference, Disney can't win and we can lose.

    Thanks for the interesting pics, Maj. From the crowds it looks like that tent was a popular place to grab a bite. Eat and rest between a pirate ship on your right and and a swiss mountain on your left. Gotta love it.

  7. Anonymous8:19 PM

    That "tent" was Fan 2; Fan 1 being the permanent food stand located near the original Dumbo attraction. Once in awhile they'd get saddled with some jazzy name on Disneyland maps—but they were always referred to as Fan 1 and Fan 2 by employees… right up to the end (Fan 1 went first, a victim of Big Thunder Trail).

    So now you know! :)

  8. A wooden leg named Smith.
    A wooden leg named Smith.
    A wooden leg na--

  9. Come back Mr. Wiggins! :p
