Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fantasyland, October 1967

I've been digging through some old boxes of slides to scan some stuff that didn't make the cut before. Now I'm not so picky! Let's visit Fantasyland with a certain red-headed family that you might recall (or not...).

Dumbo is among the five attractions partially visible in this shot. Dad is accompanying two kids, and he looks like he's having a pretty good time going around and around.

Hello Snow, what do you know? She's got three of the Dwarfs with her, and they are pretty scary. If I saw Sneezy (that IS Sneezy to the right, isn't it?) in a dark alley, I would head for ze hills.

And lastly, everyone's having fun on Casey Jr. as he comes back to the station. Mom was clearly the shutterbug in this family, I have many photos of Dad, but none of her that I know of!


  1. I remember this family, Major. Weren't they riding the Motor Boats and also a train at an unknown amusement park?

    These are great.....glad you're rechecking stuff! I hope we don't miss a single one!

    Is that second pic reversed? It seems like that little piece of castle wall and bench should be to the left. Maybe I just can't get my orientation. Also, is that a sign for the House of the Future way off in the distance there (the white and blue spot next to the lady's head), or would that have been removed already?

  2. Still interest in 'em to me too.

    Timmy's a cute mouse, there on the Dumbo ride's Disco ball, but not only don't I see the whip he used to happily taunt the poor elephant with, I don't even see his arm. Did he get crackin' one day and snapped his arm clean off?

    Those dwarves look a lot better than some earlier ones though, and most important, the kid in the pic looks delighted.

  3. TokyoMagic!, yes, that's the same family. I guess it is possible that I accidentally scanned the slide wrong-side-up, but it has been put away, so I can't check it. Maybe somebody else can tell for sure. I do know that the House of the Future was not removed until December of '67...

    Chiana, you're right, Timothy's arm is entirely missing! Circus work is more dangerous than I thought.

  4. Snow White is wearing her watch (her watch?!) on her left wrist, that's normal for us average folk. Not sure which side is correct for Fairy Tale Princesses-es.

  5. Those red heads would be hard to forget! I notice kids never seem to rush to see those Dwarfs.... The hole in the hat scares me!

  6. HA! I noticed Snow White's watch too. I'm so used to the proper theming these days that it really sticks out. It would be fun to stand her and Doc next to the most recent costumed characters to see the differences...

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Here is a link to a Flickr photo of the current Snow White and Doc:

  8. Thanks Anon. It's funny when you first pull up the picture, how humungous Doc looks compared to Snow.

    There are quite a few differences in their costumes, the modern ones are more relatable to the animated feature. Although, I like the expression on the old Doc much better than the new. Too bad he had a hole in his head!

