Monday, July 27, 2009

Dismal Land!

Today's three slides were all taken on different days (not to mention different years), but they all have one thing in common; the photos were taken on gray, overcast days.

I had to lighten this 1965 image considerably, so it looks weird; but I liked it because it was taken from aboard the Mine Train. How would you like to have been stuck behind the person who decided they needed their umbrella up? The rocks are a-tumblin' and the train is just about to pass the saguaro cactus "forest".

This one is from 1962, and the Horseless Carriage awaits us. The driver is in shadow, and looks pretty sinister. "Room for one more, honey! Ha ha ha ha!!"

From 1963, here are the bears from the original Bear Country in Nature's Wonderland. They're playin' and scratchin' and climbin' that tree hoping to get some hunny. This scene seems to have been changed in subtle ways many times over the years. Bears came and went (I don't recall seeing the two cubs in the lower middle before), I guess Walt wanted to keep things as fresh as possible for repeat riders.


  1. That's not the Horseless Carriage, but one of the four Electric Cars that Walt had built! It seems curious that one of them would have been out there for regular folks. Maybe the Horseless Carriages were broken down that day and they needed a sub?

  2. Yay for June gloom at Dingy Land.

    (Actually the best time to go is under threatening skies. Weeds the daytrippers out.)

  3. Is that a piece of train track that we can see through the trees about dead center in the bear photo? If it is, I guess it would have to be near the beginning of the ride before it gets to Cascade Peak, but I didn't realized it came that close to the backside of the bear scene.

  4. They're interesting and different, and to me that's good. That desert shot is kinda surreal - dark, grey and rainy complete with umbrella in just about the least likely spot you'd expect. As for the car, it's cute as can be. :)

  5. Despite the gloom - that first Nature's Wonderland pic really puts you there!

  6. Love the rainy day shots. So unique.

  7. no matter how gray a day, there is NO PLACE i would rather be than Magic Kingdom :D

  8. Vaughn8:03 PM

    A bad day at Disneyland is better than a good day at work!
