Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sunday Stuff

I've got three random slides for you today, leftovers if you will.

Here's an undated photo of Main Street, apparently taken from the upper deck of the Omnibus. I'm surprised that I don't have more photos with this elevated perspective, but as far as I know this is the only one. Judging from the leafless trees and the sweaters and overcoats on the guests, this is probably from around February. As for the year, I can only guess that it is the early 60's. Those of you with a knowledge of fashion history might be able to narrow it down more precisely! I don't recall ever noticing the trash cans placed in such an orderly manner before.

Whoa, this one scanned oddly. You can't really tell that this is the green Monorail, but it is, I swear on a stack of flapjacks. The bubble dome is the place to be! Love the erector set steel girders, colorful banners waving in the breeze, and the uniformed attendant striking a "Kraftwerkian" pose.

From 1957, we're riding through the Painted Desert. The vantage point seems rather high in this photo too, could it have been taken from the top of the Stage Coach? We'll never know.


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Aren't those the Hayley Mills Parent Trap twins on the right in the Main St. slide?
    Must be, one has her back towards the camera.
    That would place it in 1961.

  2. I really like the image of the Disneyland Hotel Monorail Station. I have not seen any images, all the station photos I have are taken in the Tomorrowland station. Nice.

  3. That is a nice photo of the DL Hotel Station (erector set included!) are you sure that's the green Monorail, Hey you already ate your stack of flapjacks - LOL!

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I remember when I was a sweeper working Main Street; I can still smell the fresh squeezed orange juice coming from the Sunkist Citrus House.

  5. the castle seems taller from this perspective. i like this photo very much

    ive never seen a green monorail, only the red, blue and gold/yellow. another vintage sign there...ARCO! i remember going to ARCO stations when i was a kid

    the sunny desert image offers another shot of things up high..seems to be our theme today

    good leftovers, as usual....

  6. Anonymous1:54 AM

    hehe! Dig the Lookout Cacti.

    Stack of flapjacks eh? With butter?! Nyyah I didn't think so. :p That pic of the Monorail at the Hotel has me eager to get unbored and get on board!

  7. I remember the Green Monorail, and I'd say that photo was from the late 70's or early 80's judging by the ARCO sign.

    Nice post as always...How do you manage this type of output on a daily basis? Do you have a day job?

