Sunday, February 01, 2009

Murkety Murkiness, October 23 1964

For some reason, the three photos for today look especially gray and cheerless. It was overcast to be sure, but I am guessing that gnomes had something to do with it too.

OK, this first picture isn't too bad, in fact it's actually quite nice. Pretty, pretty choo-choo! It's all nice and clean and shiny, unlike my car.

So gloomy... maybe it's going to snow! But at least you have the sunshine-yellow Mine Train making its way around Cascade Peak.

And now for the gloomiest of all, this murky photo of the Living Desert, as if the camera was aiming through smoked glass. What up wit dat?


  1. I never get tired of photos of Nature's Wonderland!

    Is that a Denny's sign across Harbor Blvd. in the first photo?

  2. An especially beautiful train pic.

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Always odd seeing Anaheim without clear daytime skies. Maybe there was a factory accident - caused be some gnomes from Garden Grove - and it's extra smog...

    It's also always fun (well, to me and others here) to see such nice vintage Disneyland pics. The overcast skies don't spoil 'em for me. That train is as be-yu-tea-ful as can be, the second pic makes me wanna hop on the Mark Twain and the third is another time capture I'm glad we have.

    Now go send Speedy to clean & wax up your car! hehe

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    From a former ride operator's perspective, the Mine Train was a blast to operate. It is sorely missed.
