Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A trio from Tomorrowland

I had a few orphan slides from Tomorrowland, so I thought that I would put them together for one glorious post before putting those orphans to work in a factory.

Here's a murky photo from November 1963. Any idea what that queue to our right is for? Seems kind of in the middle of things. Crowds are pretty big over at the Subs and the Monorail. Those Japanese men are probably wishing that they had their very own Disneyland. And lo! It came to pass.

Now we're movin' on up to April 1974, with this great shot of the Rocket Jets and the Peoplemover load level. As a kid I wished that the rockets revolved further up the Saturn V's column. Higher! Higher! You can even see a bit of one of Mary Blair's murals to the right, and a stage to the right. Is this where the Kids from the Kingdom performed?

Onward! To July 1977, with a classic shot of the Submarine Voyage. The lagoon shimmers like a massive aquamarine gemstone. I like the gray paint scheme, even if it is un-PC. And I always thought that it was a stroke of genius to hide the "dark ride" portion of the Submarine ride beneath the Autopia and the landscaped areas.


  1. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Ah the Tomorrowland of Yesterday, very nice. Very cool.

  2. Yes, that is where the Kids of the Kingdom often performed. Now I have to go searching....somewhere I have a photo of them on that stage with it's seventies "rainbow" converted facade. I liked it better however, when the entire facade matched the Rolly Crump ticket booths and Tomorrowland Terrace pop-up stage.

  3. In the first photo, the guests are not in line but watching the entrancing Coxpilot and his flying and driving exhibition at the Flight Circle.

  4. Terrific Tomorrowland Trio! In the first photo I would have guessed the queue was for the Skyway, but the Flight Circle makes more sense geographically... Hiding the show building for the subs under autopia was and is brilliant, now if they can only fix the autopia cars!

  5. Matterhorn, I thought that the Flight Circle was right about there, but I've never seen it with those shades around it. Guess that threw me! Thanks for your answer.

  6. WOW! This "IS" Tomorrowland. Beauties Major.

  7. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Classic Sub pic I think :)

  8. i love these...the photo of the submarine is from a perspective ive never seen before.

    the rocket jets atop the awesome on such a beautiful sunny day

    TokyoMagic, hope you find that picture of the Kids...we dont often see photos of them : )
