Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Saturday

Today I've got a trio of miscellaneous photos for you!

Ah, little plastic House of the Future, I never grow weary of your spaceage whimsy. You look like an ice cream cake with all four corners already eaten. (Hey, a cake that looks like the House of the Future.... genius!). By 1964 the plantings around the house had matured, making it all look much more homey and inviting, and also hiding the central "core" that held the thing up. Notice the mom and her little girl with the flouncy dress and red sneakers!

And now let's take a look at a Mine Train with a pre-Nature's Wonderland dark-green paint scheme. OK, there's not really much to see. I admit it! Doc Sutter's Barber Shop would be the place to go if you needed a haircut or a tooth pulled. This is something that the Auto Club won't tell you about.

"Say hon, take a picture of me by the putting green so I can show it to the fellas back home.". Al is pointing towards heaven, because that's where he feels he's died and gone to. Soft lighting has come on, you could practice your putting at night instead of wasting time with your family. In the background, fabulous mid-century hotel design at its finest!


  1. Anonymous12:08 AM

    hehe! Love the comments.

    Pics aren't all so bad either. I like misc! I have lots of misc too. When I moved I discovered I had boxes and boxes of misc.

    I like the Rainbow Mountain scrolly art on the tender. Speaking of, maybe Dad is pointing to the Richfield sign you can just see the end of on the left. He's saying he has gas. Or he's going to try the chili...? Cute moppet in the top pic all right. :)

  2. Take me back in that putting green at the Disneyland Hotel.

  3. Yes, the old Disneyland hotel sure looked sharp back in the day. Kudos to Jack and Bunny - it had that sparse, space-aged elegance of the Las Vegas hotels from the period.

  4. Hmmm, just what IS he pointing at? There's something atop that sign. It looks like a sprinkler head. Perhaps he worked for 'Rainbird'?

    Fun shots!
