Friday, September 05, 2008

Friday Fun

Details, I love details! For instance, here's a nice but not-very-exciting shot of Cascade Peak. It wasn't as tall as the Matterhorn, but it was still pretty cool, with its roaring waterfalls and the little mine train that passed beneath it. As for the details...

...I always get a kick out of seeing the bighorn sheep capering at the top of the mountain! The didn't last very long, apparently they spooked the Pack Mules. Or something. If so, the mules were big babies. Photos from just a year or so later show that the sheep were removed and replaced with pirates. In a series of slides that I will post one of these days, you can see the sheep in different positions and they moved back and forth, laughing at death from those giddy heights!

Here's a pretty sweet late-afternoon look at the Swiss Family Treehouse, but I'm not interested in that so much as...

...whatever is in these boxes! Trust me, zooming in didn't help, they just got blurrier. Obviously there must have been a souvenir stand just to the right, and these boxes might have been full of all kinds of faux-tropical goodies. Anyone got an idea what they could have contained?


  1. Cool pics and info about the bighorn sheep, Major! I had never seen photos of them....or even heard about them being up there!

    Could those boxes contain produce for one of the restaurants? Just a guess because it looks like some of the boxes have holes in them for ventilation. Maybe they contain live animals!

  2. Great photos, I am thinking produce also "Sunkist I Presume"? I miss Cascade Peak!!!!!

  3. I agree with VDT- Sunkist I Presume and the boxes are filled with oranges, lemons and other citrus.

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Another vote here for the Sunkist location. They went through a lot juice. BTW, that is the original foilage on the Tree. Liked this color much more than what is there today.

  5. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I don't know, the live animals hypothesis works well. They had to feed all those giant snakes and lions on the Jungle Cruise after all ;)

    Brer Dan

  6. Well, that explains why they changed the tickets to read: 'The Cry Baby Pack Mules'...

    Great shots!

  7. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I always bought a frozen orange juice bar at Sunkist I Presume.

  8. Anonymous3:09 AM

    I also presume the boxes are sun-kissed citrus for Sunkist I Presume.

    My Dizzyland Misguide book says:

    "Frustrated Sunkist vendors used to toss the extras and peels at the Swiss Family [ mean thing to do just 'cause they lived in a tree huh? ] but it caused the tree to grow aciditic reddish leaves, and the gardners put a stop to it. In time the tree grew greener..."
