Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two Twains, 1955

In spite of some annoying light leaks, todays photos are nice early views of the Mark Twain (from sometime within the first month of Disneyland's opening).

This one is my favorite of the two, I guess because I love the early, undeveloped Frontierland. Why? I don't know, it doesn't make much sense! If I went to an amusement park and found a large chunk of it was just dirt and weedy shrubs, I might not be too happy about it. But, this is early Disneyland after all, so all reason goes out the window.

Here's a nice closeup detail, more about people-watching than anything else.

Sorry for the quickie post, things have been busy lately!


  1. I guess the lady that was dangling her purse over the railing wasn't too worried about losing it....

  2. Anonymous1:28 AM

    It may not have been the best of natural frontier in view, but the boat was grand. Kinda like the real thing sometimes. In some shots (those mostly I think '56 or later) the pretty rough landscape can look like convincing wilderness.

    Does it look better or worse in most pics than it did in person? I wonder if we would've enjoyed the grand Mark Twain and what it had to offer or if we would've been pretty dissappointed. Dunno but I sure loves lookin' at it in all these pics. Toss reason and bring on the pics hehe

  3. The light leaks ad to the realism. The folks in the second shot are classic 50's, with the exception of the careless lady dangling her purse! Hey - Quick posts are fun too :-) Thanks!

  4. Any picture with the Plantation House (all or part) is an awesome picture. And these are beauties. Thanks Major.

  5. Love the first photo--lack of landscaping notwithstanding. Just great!
