Friday, August 22, 2008

Nothing Interesting, 1962

Just another photo of the Mark twain.... nothing much to say.

See? Nothing going on over here...

...and not much going on over here either.

Hey! Guess what? I haven't missed a day of blogging since sometime in February. Seriously! Go ahead and check. Anyway, I will be taking a few days off; have a great weekend everyone!


  1. What the heck? Why are all those vehicles sitting around in plain view of the guests? And is that the DL hotel tower being built off in the distance? Another truly incredible pic.

    Enjoy your days off, Major! You've earned them!

  2. Major- would you stop posting such boring pictures and pull out the good stuff. We don't want to see any people building things in the background!!! We want to see more Chicken of the Sea Pirate ship, Motorboat Cruise and Giraffes in the Jungle Cruise.

    Seriously- cool slide with some nice construction activity in front of the Frontierland station.

  3. Have some great time off!

    And wow...those are pretty cool pictures...

  4. yet again a post hit out of the park. boring....HA!
    have a wonderful time and enjoy. we will be here when you return.

  5. Nothing going on, are you kidding? Look where the people are pointing -- at the experimental Audio Animatronic duck!

  6. Why are you wasting our time with this?

    More hippos, please.

  7. Anonymous7:49 PM

    These pictures are great. It is interesting to see the transformation of the park and parts of it under construction. If these pics were taken in 1962, is the construction going on the building of New Orleans Square? Can anyone answer?

  8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    The building in the back looks like a temporary train station. It looks too modern. A transitional station until they moved the original over to the other sides of the tracks where it sits today.

  9. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Awesome Major! For some reason I'm fascinated with pics showing stuff being built or worked on. Maybe because it reminds me, "hey people are actually making & keeping these wonderful things!"

    Enjoy some days off, you blogger slave you! Gorilla Industries will survive as long as you don't leave some monkey in charge hehe

  10. Have a great time at the lake!

  11. I was hoping you would post a Jungle Cruise Hippo or Elephant. But I guess this will have to do. Ho Hum!
