Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Living Desert

After scanning a bunch of slides, I noticed that these two views from the "Living Desert" portion of the Mine Train ride (and by the second photo, "Nature's Wonderland") showed evidence of a major re-do of these buttes (heh heh, "buttes"), stone minarets, natural arches and tubmling rock formations.

Compare the two, and this earlier photo (1958) shows some not-very-convincing rockwork. That "natural arch" looks more like those wonderfully phony-baloney landscapes seen in the classic "Star Trek". Like that portal that sent them back in time to the 1930's... you know the one I mean!

By 1960, the ride had been transormed into "Nature's Wonderland", and the rocks received a makeover. They now appear considerably more natural! The tiny Indian pueblos are no longer on top of the mesas, and it looks like the coyote that peeked out of that cave has moved out (or maybe he's just hidden behind brush?). Anyway, I thought it was an interesting comparison!


  1. Yer totally right, there, pardner. '60 looked like a LOT better year for them.. heh heh, buttes.

  2. It's nice to be able go to Disneyland now and still get to see that butte in the center and the archway to the right of it. I do wonder why they didn't try to save more of that original rockwork since Big Thunder did not extend that far back. I will try to at least be grateful for what we still have.....but they should have restored Cascade Peak, gosh darn it! Okay, I'm done.

  3. wow, a big 'plus'.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Didja notice that they also got rid of the miniature indian adobes on top of the rocks? An attempt at foreshortening that just didn't work. Maybe it was just a prairie dog town that moved?

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    My butte could use some redoin' too, but anyway.

    The City On The Edge of Forever was the Trek eppy, I'm a Trek geek too hehe

    I have never noticed they redid the rockwork (!) but you're right! How didn't I notice?! It's not too subtle, a really noticeable improvement. Awesome thanks for pointing it out Major!

  6. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I never realized they were different either. Cool. Ditto on Cascade Peak. Western River Expedition would be a nice improvement too.

  7. I would trade Western River Expedition for Big Thunder any day, but they were BOTH supposed to be built (one on top of the other) at Walt Disney World. Too bad that didn't happen.
