Friday, July 04, 2008

Junior Autopia, 1956

Happy 4th of July, everyone! Please don't stick a white-hot sparkler in your eye.

Today's post is short but pretty darn sweet! It's an awesome view of the load area for the short-lived Junior Autopia. The vivid color really helps to bring this 52 year-old scene to life. The attraction opened some five months before the photo was taken (July 23, 1956), and it closed a mere two years later (September 15, 1958). According to "The Nickel Tour", the Junior Autopia cars were identical to the regular Autopia, except for wooden blocks on the pedals so that small-fry could reach them with their stubby little limbs.

Eventually this track was closed, rejiggered and transformed into the Fantasyland Autopia.


  1. What a July 4th spectacular photo—Love the gas pump!

  2. Great image of a rare ride. Very nice and the banner is amazing.

  3. Have a great 4th Major. Thanks for all the great pics, Richard.

  4. Awesome photo! Have a great weekend.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Happy 4th everyone.
    Neat dirt landscaping on that shot.
    Very rare!

  6. Great photo!

    I love the view of the load from this angle.
