Thursday, July 10, 2008

June 1969

Today I've got two nice photos from 1969 for you. First up is this great portrait of Skull Rock, with its lush plants and splashing waterfalls. In my memory the skull itself was much bigger, but I think that good old forced-perspective was doing its thing again. What was it, maybe 10 or 12 feet high? If I just relied on my faulty recollections I would have guessed something closer to 25 feet!

Yet another photo of the cool blue Sub Lagoon. If the photographer had only waited another 7 seconds he would have gotten a great closeup of a sub! But we do get glimpses of the yellow Peoplemover, the Rocket Jets, and the Carousel of Progress show building.


  1. Wow!
    That picture of Skull Rock is pretty amazing. I remember it being much bigger as well. Especially since you could walk underneath it...

    I sort of miss those original subs, even if at the end of their run the mermaids/sharks started looking pretty ratty. It was such a great immersive experience and when I was a kid, those things seemed so real.

    Awesome. I know I say it all the time, but thanks for sharing all these old pictures. They're a little like a time machine.

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Nice photos,their clarity is great.Almost as if a portal to the past.(I wish that were true).

  3. Thanks for the nice comments, spajadigit and james!

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Whoa. Great blog! Bookmarked it so you have a new repeat visitor. Love the ah, nice vintage pics, they get better like a fine wine. Mmm. Great quality, I have scanner envy. And served with personality, that's how I like it. Please do carry on 'till the landslide of slides has ran dry. Then send out some monkeys to get some more. =)
