Friday, May 23, 2008

Two From October 1963

Here's an interesting view of some Native American totem poles, located in the Indian Village. I don't know if I've ever noticed these in photos before, and thought that the Indian tribes that were represented at Disneyland tended to be from the Southwest. But I guess that there is no reason why they couldn't have a tip of the hat to the people of the Pacific Northwest!

Look at this... no line at all for the Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland! Sure, the ride was a "people eater", and the photo WAS taken when all of the kids were back in school. But even so! I'd ride it, get off, and get right back on again, over and over.


  1. OOooh. I agree, that open line for the Mine Train ride looks mighty inviting! I reckon there's nothing like the Rainbow Caverns in the whole wide world! I think I'll tear out a 'C coupon' for the prettiest sight in all my born days, by jing!

  2. The Pacific Northwest Indian items were added with the Columbia.

  3. Awesome shot of the Mine Train Entrance!

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    You'd need a D ticket for this one in my day.

  5. You can even spot a Tour Guide on the train! (They're fun to look for; it's like Where's Waldo, except not so many Guests wear Stewart plaid.)

  6. Only rode the Mine Train once, in the Summer of '76...Wish I could ride again. Thanks for bringing those memories back---
